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  1. thanks lads il be lookin into them... n thats all i want a basic hut thing
  2. hi can any one tell me of any venues with a cabin . ive tryed newbridge n its booked up and so is fairview ... i live near newcastle so i want some where with in 3 hours or so. i dont want a propa log cabin thing just a hut style thing like fairview or newbridge.
  3. tryed the phone number for aldermere and its the wrong number .... any 1 know the right number. and any one know of any other Syndicates in the northeast
  4. hi has any one in the northesat fished fighting cocks reservoir . if so whats the carp stocks like is it full of weed etc just any info would be a help ive tryed to ring the number ive gettin of diff sites but i never get a ans thanks
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