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    wherever the ARMY sends me!!!

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  1. anything happening down at bosmere lately????
  2. the cabins are amazing, and so is the bar! loads of lakes to choose from, and the fishing was brilliant!!! only thing i found slightly wierd was that even though you were staying at the resort, you still had to buy a day ticket???? i would defo go back though!! bill
  3. i had a walk round mate and saw some terrific looking pike in the margins!!!!
  4. check this poor [censored] out on a size 8 hook!!!!
  5. no worries northeast carper, glad i could help. fish safe, dont have nightmares. bill
  6. damn it!!!! and there was me thinking id cracked it!!! ah well im just gonna jump in my little red and yellow car and head back to toy town!!!!!!
  7. thats how my mate ash does it, but personally i think there is more residue left by doing it that way, and i wouldnt feel as confident about it staying closed if i was about to pelt it as far as i could. also did u notice i mentioned about wrapping the pva tape DOWN the knot? this gives the bag extra tightness. but each to their own, whatever works for the angler.
  8. im the same mate, i had only used them once before october last year, and that first time i cast in, the bag hit the water, floated on the surface and then floated off depositing baits nowhere near my rig!! since then, ive practiced a lot, and now i can tie them pretty quick and quite tidy, i use them all the time now, but you are right about hooklinks, they are normally short for bag work.
  9. i wouldnt normally use such a long hook length but i know there is a lot of silt on the bottom of the venue i was fishing, and i was thinking once the bag has disolved and got disturbed the balanced bait could settle on the silt rather than in it. i would usually use a shorter, uncoated hooklength though. the bailiff also told us thaton a clear bottom the fish in there will sit on your lead and eat around it ignoring all the baits close in. this time however i caught on both short and long.
  10. ha ha ha sorry iberian, i dont usually have trouble finding the hole i was whispering cos i was fishing down in the margins. bill
  11. here you go!!! hope this helps!! bill
  12. horseshoe??? also tell him to visit www.armycarpers.com if he wants more info on army fishing just let me know bill
  13. good choice!!!!
  14. hey davy, check out these videos at the waterpark. however, have a look at hintlesham fisheries which isnt too far from swp hope this helps pal! bill
  15. i use the nash diffusion leaders with my solid bags mate, works for me, check out my vids on youtube to see them in action!! hope this helps, bill
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