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  1. I would reccomend checking out ratherheath it's one of my favourite waters well stocked with carp to over 20 pounds it is a picturesque tree-lined tarn of about 5 acres (43 pegs) and is only 6 quid a day to fish
  2. Turners Pool Swythamley, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 0SL From Macclesfield (with the train station on your right) At the second set of lights turn left onto Byron Lane. Go all the way to the end You will come to a junction on a bend, turn left, at the Fourways Motel, turn right. Go past the Ship Inn pub, then the Trout farm, and over the first bridge. You will pass a Victorian looking house on the left just before a sharp right hand bend, over a second bridge, turn next left, then right. Look for the fishery sign carefully!
  3. just remembered that coniston is free fishing aswell pike perch roach eels trout char
  4. I sWindermere really free fishing?? there again who would want to walk it collecting ticket money 3 times a day yea it's the uk's #1 hardest carp water?
  5. windermere pike perch roach rudd chub carp catfish eels char sea trout salmon trout
  6. the only knot you really need to know is the bloodknot!
  7. mallards is the runs water!
  8. http://www.carp.com/carp-waters91.html
  9. ratherheath would proberly be your best bet checkout lakedistrictfishing.net
  10. thought so! what are the current stocks like?
  11. is it a runs water?
  12. suprised you dont get knocked out
  13. looks good http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=RjBw1D8dLVA
  14. Windermere and Ambleside is a great ticket, or was until this year. Otters have decimated the Carp stocks on some of the waters over the winter, none more so than Cleabarrow, hence the price being reduced to about £25 this year. Still a cheap ticket and worth a look, but just bear the above in mind. the price ain't been reduced to £25 and cleabarrow has been restocked and has an otter fence now must admit I don't think there are hardly any fish left in holehird but they are the only waters affected
  15. as far as I am aware the only ones you can nightfish are clebarrow tarn and recently atkinsons tarn but only for members you could night fish windermere but it must be the hardest carp water in england?
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