You're the same bloke whom was dissing Lonsdale on forum, listen everyone out there - Lonsdale Park is a great venue. It's a shame you did'nt have a good time there, it can be a moody water due to it being so northern and is prone to be affected by the elements. The Electric fence is to keep unwanted people out and is not obvious, take a look at the fish catches on the website most fisherman of a good ability do very well. The small lake/pond you moaned about is classed as a kids pool so its not going to be 5 acres is it. If Paul the owner declined someone use on the other 2 lakes he would have made this decision with the wellfare of the fish in mind and obviously did not think that the anglers were experienced enough. Don't judge Lonsdale on the view of 1 person's experience. For someone with no axe to grind he's gone to alot of trouble bad mouthing the place (This complaint is posted x3 times on the Go Fishing Forum).