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Everything posted by eclectic

  1. Dont get me wrong. I use braid hooklenghts of no less that 15lb. But I think thats why some fisheries ban its use, as it will cut a carp if used less than 10 pounds. Or atleast I believe it to be that way.
  2. In small diamaters it can and will cut the carps mouth, braid that is.
  3. You can use Flourocarbon hooklinks I would of thought?! I use ESP's Ghost, and its served me well
  4. If you go about a 1000 yard up from the pub. Theres a turning on the right just after the Chippy if my memory serves me. Theres atleast 2 lakes there. They may have built a new one.
  5. In the winter Id have no problems scaling down to eight,. I dont particularly play a fish hard and I dont fish at long range.
  6. 8lb is light, but will land alot of fish. My recent river baby...err...carp was caught on Korda 10lb main line ( nice line I might add, though I read the 10lb breaks at a nip over 12lb bs). Anyways, it maybe that they arent wetting the knots before pulling them tight, it would certainly appear that way to me! Learn to tie your own. Use a palomar knot for swivels, and knotless knot for your hooks. Really simple to tie. And Ive been in some big hefts sea fishing with 20lb main line and 60lb shock leader. The palomar is as tough as they come and my chosen knot for swivels and hooks where a hair is not needed.
  7. Theres a nice Chapter in "River Carping by Neil Wayte " on the Nene. Well worth a read mate. Excellent book if you like river carping. Check out the library for it.
  8. First off, Welcome to the Forums, John! Im goint to assume that your talking aboiut Fox Rigidity Hooklength material. A simple Knotless knot will be just the job for most of your needs mate. Look at the Rig Tying Sticky for information on how to tie the Knotless knot One thing of paramount importance, is to make sure you always come through the back of the eye! As this helps to keep the hook turning the right way, for it to get a good purchase. Now one tip I would suggest is after tieing the simple overhand loop. Add a boilie to the "hair" (over the loop), but dont add a boilie stop. Now with your chosen sizwe of boilie (or whatever you want to use as bait), Line the boilie upto the hook till it gets to a place you are happy with it (I generally go with about 5-10 ml off the shank of the hook). Nip the line tight. Pull the boilie off, and whip the knotless knot. Good luck. [edited to remove link as the Rig Tying Sticky has the Knotless Knot in pics]
  9. Its not in use as I use ESP Anchor Rig Tube. But if I decide to use my leadcore, it will remain in the tackle box for such a scenario.
  10. hmm, Maybe I jumped the gun! I recently read a thread on a social in Oct, and it seemed a bit vicious in places. Just riled me. Ouchthathurt. If I did indeed jump the gun. I sincerely apologise.
  11. Ive personally had my leadcore over 6 years lol. Theres no packaging, its just in its tasty little spool/box thing. So for me. It was handy to look it up. lol So quit rolling your eyes, honestly, some people are such snobs on this forum. Always mocking people.
  12. PM'd you a link. Hope it helps
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