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  1. just got back from sky yesterday, all in all a good trip, unfortunately only landed 1 fish, a 33lb 10oz mirror.lost more in the weed.one of which felt alot bigger. a few 40's came out biggest being 48 i think, backed up by a fair number of 30s and a few 45+ grassies which andy said hadnt come out in years. the guy on the point nailed it. and has the whole place to himself this week. i was in the woods which apparently is normaly a good producer but i was obviously doing something wrong.
  2. off to sky on sturday so just a quick one, does anyone know the location roughly? was hoping to try and get a weather report on the area but realised i had absolutely no idea where it is.
  3. sounds good, im looking forward to it. as long as i dont blank lol. now ive gotta try and get all the gear together. can you use bank sticks? im not a big fan of pods and i dont really want to shell out for one. im really hoping me and my mate can get a double swim coz the plan was to share a bivvy, dont really wanna get (I know this naughty word is banned but I decided to use it any way because I can't control myself)ed over.
  4. yeh i dont mind losing a few leads and that ill just have to take alot lol.what do you reckon for hooks,hooklenghts ect.? whats the food like? what are the margins like? i wouldnt mind trying to stalk a few fish. ill prob take a few kgs of special g to mix with the partiblend,what do you reckon?
  5. nice one mate. i put an order in for 5k of partibelnd and 5k of maize, my plan was to fish fairly small baits over the top of beds of bait. its sounding better each time i hear about it to be honest. hopefully june this year wont be like last lol. the week im on is fully booked so i dont know how crowded it gets. what do u reckon i should take for my 5kg limit? i was gonna take about 2kg of scopex squid and then a few 500g bags of various ones just to much about with.
  6. im off to sky in june, bit apprehensive as my years been a bit slow so far and i aint really up for chuckin all that money down the bog. when people are talking about the catches there, are you catching smaller fish just not mentioning it or is it genuinly a few fish coming out? anyone been this year so far?
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