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Everything posted by endo871

  1. i maybe able too give you one more tip and that is i first tried sweet boilees eg strawberry,pineapple and also the awesome CELL with not so much as a bite, i then went onto KG1 dumbells fished over matching pellets and starting getting liners and then the two carp fell to a simple inline 12inch rig both carp made straight for the lillies so make sure your lead comes free
  2. hi old-common, i fished wyreside 1st-4th september on peg 1 had two fish to 16lb the weather was not brilliant but the lake has plenty of features to fish too,i saw 6 carp come out in the 3 days i was thier,its just a case of finding the carp the wind was changeable with sunshine and showers over the three days.the carp where crashing out all over the lake during the day and night.Im definately going back
  3. winterley pools,walgherton waters,merrington carp fishery(recommended),boundary water park,gyrn castle(runs water)lakemore fishery all night fishing waters within 1hr drive of chester.I myself live in Chester and would recommend any of the above waters for a good day/night fishing
  4. hi folks,18months ago i fished Lakemore and had a disastrous session i snapped a rod through my own stupidity the weather was not exactly ideal with torrential rain and wind and because of these conditions and the rod snapping i wrote some very harsh comments about Lakemore which on hindsight i later regreted ive been back to Lakemore a couple of times to see Mark the bailiff but unfortunately he has not been thier,The lakes are absolutely picturesque with the kind of features that scream carp/catfish,the 24hrs that i did fish thier i had no one come check my rigs in the early hours and if they had i would not have been bothered.I believe that rules on a fishery are thier for the safety and well being of the fish that reside in the waters and if some of the rules seem harsh then take the time to think why they are in place. I agree with TOPCAT i dont want to be fishing in a peg next to a load of messed up doped up weekend wallies, i take my carp angling seriously and will adhere to any rules that the fishery impose and if you are breaking the rules then you are endangering the carp/catfish that you supposedly care about.ON a different note if the bailiff of Lakemore does read this i would like to sincerely apologies to him about the comments i wrote they where totally uncalled for
  5. cheers nash,thats what i like to hear about a fishery,i have read that a carp called pecks resides in sunny 1.i do like the idea of having my breakfast lunch and tea brought to my swim and my better half thinks us fishermen are mad, little does she know how much carp fishing and the business in general has progressed
  6. cheers raffa,its always good to here both positive and negative replies,i will be the first to comment on a fishery if the fishing is poor but fingers crossed i could get lucky
  7. anybody out thier got any info on sunnyside1 at the wyreside lake fishery im doing a 72hr stint end of june and not fished above mentioned lake before
  8. thats my worse nightmare come true,blanking this will be my first time fishing france and to wait 8 months for what i think is a dream holiday and not to catch would be devastating
  9. cheers fatfish i was worried about the chats i hear they can be a big problem,im hoping i can catch my first catfish and beat my pb of 22lb 4oz for a carp, we fishing the poplars lake, ithink its very good of paul to allow nonfishing persons to go for free that means i can take the cook and washer woman(the wife)she gets a free holiday and we get fed
  10. any information would be gratefully welcome.its my first visit to France and have heard a lot about poissant chat in thier lakes is thier any at etangs de breton,what are good baits to take with me and are thier any local tackle suppliers,i do like my activ 8 and scopex is it worth taking a few kilos
  11. could do with any info on this venue
  12. anybody got any info on this french venue im off thier in august and if anyone can help with tactics,baits,i will be fishing the poplars lake and pond
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