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  • Location
    bonor regis
  • Interests
    carping and air rifle shooting/hunting

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  1. the wife,me and a mate are going to rushes for the first time next oct, cant bloody wait
  2. excellent, ive been hearing really good things about rushes,off a few different people aswell, and hope to get there in the next couple of years, cant afford another one this year, and the wifes just booked 17 days in thailand next june for our 20th aniversary, so we'll be skint then aswell, but im sure i'll be able to persuade her we NEED to go , besides, kim and ian have been very kind and donated a weeks fishing as a prize in a fishing match im running in oct, and who ever wins that, will obviously want me to show em the way through france well thats wot im hoping anyway
  3. ive been to france fishing,5 times now, and ive tried off the top,and zig rigs, and never once had a take, wont stop me trying, and im sure someone has caught off the top, just not me
  4. walshey, check the top post again mate, ive never fished there, but ben has, and from wot ive been told about the bream, i wouldnt use pellet
  5. i'll leave skezzle to explain weights etc some top fish there moosh
  6. got any catch pics moosh?
  7. im going to blavet valley lakes on the 20th june, spent my birthday there last year, awesome place, and i was told berny has a few spaces in aug if your interested, a fe guys have pulled out, might be worth giving it a look, not easy hauling fishing, but the rewards are there to be caught
  8. hello moosh, have a word with berny at blavet valley lakes, and see if she's got spaces mate, excellent facilitys, im off there in 2 weeks, its my birthday whilst im there,same as lasy year, its not easy fishing, but the rewards are awesome, they can also supply all tackle and pick up from the airport,aswell as food, where ever you go, be it blavet, or rushes or another french fisherie, have a great birthday
  9. just dont mention the play off's to ian moosh
  10. cracking result mr gap
  11. i think you had better phone the owner mate
  12. i love ice red, awesome bait, have a goodun moosh
  13. cheers john, but i thought this was already compulsary last year mate, as we were told to take said items then aswell cheers anyway
  14. but its all in french moosh, i cant read french
  15. tight lines moosh.hope you haul
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