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Everything posted by willow83

  1. Barbed for me unless I can't fish with them on a lake. Reason for using them is they don't cause problems for the fish a barbless hook is far more detrimental to a fishes mouth as they move a lot once hooked hence why you see so many carp now adays with no mouths etc. The only reason barbed hooks aren't allowed in my opinion is because people don't know how to get them out safely/properly!!!! But it really isn't that hard and once treated with abit of antiseptic where the hook has been saves the fishes mouth. Don't get me wrong everyone has there own opinion on this but I think barbed hooks should be used at all times for reasons stated and for those who don't know how to get them out learn there will be far less fish without mouths.
  2. Cheers pal and yeah I just hope they stay away aswell I will do a write up when I have been to let you all know how I have got on.
  3. Think I actually spoke to you that day you were there were you fishing the bottom end??? there were 3 of us that came for a walk around. It's a shame the place gets hammered as it is a nice lake I mean I haven't fished it yet so can't really comment on the amount of anglers that fish it I just hope they stay away when we are due to fish as can't be doing with people that leave rods unattended and just cast where they want. I will tell you one thing if they start doing things like that whilst iam fishing it there will be a few words exchanged. Iam quite looking forward to fishing the place to be honest but like I said I just hope all the n*b heads stay away for the weekend. You are not the only one to have said about this though I have heard a few stories but what can you do?? It's upto the owner to limit the amount of people on there at anyone time and for a lake that size it should be limited to a very few but as well all know its about the wonga and the angler and dare I say the fish are the ones that suffer due to this. But saying that the place will end up getting a bad name in the future and people will stay away so something has to be done in my opinion. But like I said I can't really comment on the place properly just yet as iam yet to fish it I just hope all goes well on my session there Tight lines Willow
  4. Cheers for the replys lads been down for alook again today only 3 on there which was a surprise!! Seen a few fish boshing about so the signs are good they are certainly active seems like a few have been caught from all over the lake just recently aswell. Going early on a Friday untill the sunday so hopefully the chosen swim is not taken and I can get in there and have a few out Tight lines Willow
  5. Thanks for that pal I live in Cosby the lad I work with recommended this place so I thought I would give it a go. Like I said I had a walk around and it looks like a decent little lake but saying that and like you have said it does look quite tight and if it gets packed I can see it being a problem you would think that people would have some sence though to be fair.
  6. Thanks for that welder I have seen it on that website too there is alittle bit of info on there but what I was after is abit of anglers knowledge of the place. Iam not asking for anyone to give away there secrets about the place but I would like to know what gets them going and what parts of the lake have been producing. I have my eye on one or two swims on there after I went for a walk around yesterday just wondering if my instincts are still intact lol.
  7. Take it no one has any info then??
  8. Hi all I have had alook through the search and can't really find any info as such about this place. Iam fishing here for 48 hours in a couple of weeks and would just like abit of info on the place I.e baits,swims etc. I had a quick walk around yesterday but it was overcast and starting to rain so and there were no fish showing thanks in advance for any info Tight lines Willow
  9. Yeah I heard the rumour of the 40+ coming out this morning just waiting for pics to confirm. From what I have heard it sounds like a good lake and well run with quite a few big un's to go at Happy days.
  10. Yeah I have spoke to Paul the owner. I just wanted a fishermans point of view on the place the owner seems like a sound chap and Helpfull just wanted a outsiders view.
  11. Hey up lads and lasses it's been a while how is everyone doing?!?.me and the old boy are looking to fish this place in a couple of weeks for a 3 day session just wanted some upto date info on the place really like what is the going bait I.e boilies,maggot,meat etc thanks in advance it's good to be back . Tight lines Willow
  12. Can anyone give me any info on this place the only thing i know about it is that there are about 4-5 lakes. All i want to know is which lake are the biggies if any in and what weight do they run to also is it day ticket or syndicate. P.s just thought i would add you can see them when you are on the m1 north bound just before you get to the big severn trent water site. Thanks and tight lines Willow
  13. Has anyone been here lately if so any info on catches and the night fishing issue?? any info grately received lol "Good Times" Willow
  14. My day session has now turned in to a 36 hour session so i will post when i get bk sunday
  15. Will do buddy
  16. Goin this weekend for a bend in the rod could anyone offer any info on how its fishing????
  17. The carp in this lake run into the early 30`s as far as iam aware when i last went last year the lake record was 32lbs 40z called "one eye" there are rumors that there are at least another 2 30`s in there and one which hasnt been on the bank for years. There are quite a few 20`s in there but the overiding problem with the place is that there are to many smaller fish that you have got to get through. If you want the bigger fish go round the other side where it is deeper and fish the margins and keep feeding a handfull of chops every hour or so. There is also a sunken island about 40-50 yrds from this bank and is good sport in the summer on floater gear . Does anyone know if they are alowing night fishing??? i know there was talk about it but last time i went it was just members that were allowed to do the night and with the new owners i was just wondering if this had changed?? Cheers "Good Times" Willow
  18. I take it no one can give me any info then
  19. be abit hard for you to know about it buddy unless u fly over here every now and then to fish the place which i dont think you would do . It not a secret mate far from it it just frustrates me because if i had posted a new thread about it every man and his dog would have been jumping on the "use the search" band wagon so i thought i would use the search. It seems to me that there is a certain clique on here and if you are not in it you arent going to get answered . I mean you aint telling me that there was no one on here from around leicester last night even just to say cant help buddy would have been ok but to ignore it is abit harsh just my thoughts Tight Lines Willow
  20. Cheers for your help lads and lasses
  21. Take that as a no then lol
  22. Any takers
  23. Hey up people ohhhhh the joy of search me and the old boy are on about going down here in a couple of weeks for the night just to get a bend in the rod as we both havent been out for so long . Just wondering if anyone has any upto date info on the place i.e how its fishing is the owner still a mardy arsse and which areas of the lake are producing the goods . Obviously i will go for a walk round to see whats what before i start fishing but a helping hand is always good Cheers guys and girls Willow "Good times"
  24. Sorry for keep bringing this post up but i dont know where it is i know it is on the estate lol but i have looked on google earth and the only place i can see has got 3 lakes is this the right place?? and if so which one is the carp lake Also is it pay on the bank or do i have to to somewhere and get a ticket and if so i have heard on the grapevine that john from all seasons sorts it out is this right? Cheers Tight Lines Willow
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