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Everything posted by sturgmaster

  1. Hi,can anyone give me any info on lac du charlou,ie catch reports,info on the lake and swims

  2. I am going in a group and i didn,t do the booking,we did go on there w/site so we did get as much info as poss, but i have to say we,ve done this before to find that what is shown is not what you get,many things are said on forums about places yet is not what you find when you arrive,??
  3. |Fishing this lake later this year,heard the food and facilities are good but what is the fishing really like,would like to hear honest reports on catches and average sizes,any info would be appreciated,many thanks.
  4. Looking at the last comment,it says quite a bit about farm lake that one of the operators of the lake decides to fish elsewhere,"nuff said" as the saying goes!!!
  5. your review sounds close to what i had when i went a few weeks ago,was the circus still there at the lake,they were letting the lion out during the day on a chain to stretch its legs,it was a pain roaring all night,agree about the weed,there website says it has a clear bottom,gravel and silt,all we found was weed,only a few swims available and the bailiff had one of them,wish some people would put the truth on there w/sites instead of letting us find out when we get there,???
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