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  1. Yeah thats what i thought it saves carrying extra weight or if as at Dream Lakes you are restricted on items you take, then at least you dont have to leave something that might come in handy.
  2. I went to Dream Lakes in October and caught my PB Comon at 38lb, i am now booked to go back in July this year and i was wondering.... Bait wise what do most people do. Do you use the fisheries bait and save carrying your own? Do you take your own? and if so would you take the same as used onsite or would you decide to take something different? I used theirs last time and had no problems at all it was great, but not having been before i was unsure of whats best, so as i'm going back i thought i would ask. Also any other information or general tips would be greatly appreciated. Moved to Fishing in France BBJ
  3. Hi All, I recently moved from Cheshire to Manchester near Swinton to be precise. I want to join a club with decent carp waters but have been unsucessful on the web. Can anyone help with information on a good club to join. Many thanks
  4. Ok mate, no worries i'm up at lakemore 2moro and then dont have any plans for a while so let me know when ur readyas you say and i'll pop down and have a session wid ya. Bernie
  5. If your only fishing the day the bailiff collects ur money on the bank, if you want to fish an overnit you need to bring a passport photo and 25 pound for a membership a gate key costs a fiver to members.
  6. 16th of May is correct mate, let me know when you fancy doing a session and if i'm available i'll come down..
  7. Still same as above mate apart from its closed for another four weeks for closed season. Still £2 day ticket and to night fish you have to be a member which is £25 per year only and you no longer pay day ticket.
  8. Thanks mate, as a regular on the long lake i know how to get the cats out its the damn carp i struggle with, dont know why cos on day sessions i used to cacth them regularly but over 24/48hrs i seem to struggle. Best day session i had a 16lb 17lb 9 and 18lb 12 but nothing like it on overnighters odd dont ya think, makes me think i dont know what to think lol. Anyway its only goin to be my 2nd stint on horseshoe and last time was in 2007 when all the weed was present and it rained hard all weekend, was goin to hope for better weather this time but its going to snow lol and it is now. Oh well
  9. I'm doing a 48hr on here next week on Horshoe lake, i've only fished it once before as i usually fish long lake and have done many times in 3yrs. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on what spod mix to use during the winter and any other useful tips i could use. Many thanks
  10. Get a baitrunner out on a good rod use boilie tipped with fake corn or just use fake corn, try and get close to the big islands, or fish the middle using a chod rig or lead clip system it is a silty bottom. Carp to 26lb in there ive had a few 20's out.
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