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    South East
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    Fishing, Music, Nature

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  1. Nice one,thanks for your advice, I've had quite a few fish near snags in 4ft of water on fluoro pop ups 2ft straight of the lead. Zig rigs do work P.s When exactly does a pop up become a zig rig?
  2. i wanna fish a Zig rig at about 8-10 feet in 20 ft of water. What hooklinks? use a sub float? I have tried but they are all prone to tangle on the cast.javascript:emoticon(':?') about 80 yards any help appreciated
  3. Kryston especially like the mantis gold on a clay,gravel bottom, looks good if you can see it!
  4. My rigs have generally got shorter and shorter over the years. From feet down to cm's. Short 2cm Flouro Chod Rig. Deadly Long 30cm Armourbraid or Mantis(partially stripped) with shrink tube hook extension Knotless Knot with a fine hair blowback stylee. Also deadly I don't know it depends on how I feel and just a little bit on conditions, location, the bottom. How I think the fish are feeling/feeding etc and on occassions because I've read an article on a rig and just had to tie it and try it. I am reassured, Mantis is cool, gets my vote out of that little lot.
  5. yep especially like both the Korda's and ESP and the Drennan barbel hooks and how about Nash pattern 2. Drennan sedge hooks, small and a bit delicate but very light and sharp. Not to be used near anything to snaggy! Anyone know where I can get any size 8 Nash pattern 2's Please There are a lot of very good hooks sharp , strong and not too heavy.
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