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  1. Anyone used the new jrc helicopter set up designed by dave lane. When they first came out every review was very favourable towards them. Is there any such thing as a safe rig using lead core as the majority are now saying you only need a kink and it renders the rig unsafe. Even a running rig with leadcore could now be classed as usafe due to the kinking of the leadcore. Paul forward gets some stick in carpworld feb issue as it suggested his leadcore set up is unsafe.His blood must be boiling to suggest he would put a carp at risk. The debate rages on With many high profile anglers at each others throats.Anglers are now saying fish with no leaders no tubing just mono behind the lead, what about the scales of the fish lifting fish getting sliced by mono etc etc it just gets so confusing reading so many differant oppinions
  2. Dazebruce i was speaking to a friend who has fished it he fished the lodge with three of his mates.The main swim outside the lodge is a double swim,they used bait boats to fish the far bank treeline,also the treeline to the right three lads caught one blanked. The biggest was 41 mirror i think the others had a couple each 1 thirty the rest mid twentys. Some anglers piled it in and blanked They went easy on the bait and at least caught he said he would have baited more if he felt they were having it but the lake was fishing very slow they caught on the boilies supplied by the site.They ended up lashing loads of maize and hemp and pellets behind swim the wildlife had a feast. Dont order lots of bait beforehand like they did start of baiting lightly let the fish dictate the amount you put in, all their fish came at night The owner is very strict read the rules very carefully on their website hope this helps.
  3. Has the owner stocked these fish. Been on his website no mention of stocking of any sort in his news section. Did anyone catch in October no catch reports up?Could the fish supplier confirm they have gone in?If they have gone in on top of the 400 fish already in there the stock level is phenomenal. cant understand how many people seem to struggle on there. We await any info from the owner or fish supplier
  4. Get on to dreamlakes website look up richys angle he tells you about all the lakes and swims what tactics to use for each month he has fished every lake, knows the place inside out. He has had some fantastic catches from the complex. good luck!!
  5. Martin clark describes using this rig in his book. he tried to keep it to himself so he invented it i think. Had some big fish on it
  6. Fox 2xs wont let down. You can pick a pack up for 2 quid,i think fox are discontinuing them, just bought a shedload!!
  7. Has anyone had any experiance of flurocarbon breaking at lower breaking strains that are on the spool. The reason i ask is i tested fox illusion in 25lb bs it broke consistantley at 15lbs.All knots were wetted and bedded down. Its sold in 7mtr spools and was recomended for leaders or hooklinks
  8. cheers mate decent option
  9. The black braid would give me piece of mind. Are there any on the market, the fish have mostly been caught on bottem baits so they are used to rooting around. want to try something that they are not familiar with.
  10. I used a 4oz lead tied to a light coloured leadcore,had a feel around the areas were i am fishing. The stain on the leadcore showed about 30mm deep The idea is to us a big bag light lead and hopefully it wont go into the silt to deeply.I have tried stripping the black stealth, the inner braid isnt supple enough looking for a supple black braid, any ideas
  11. I am fishing a lake with blackish silt. I am using suffix black stealth in conjunction with stringers and pva funnell web with stix mix. I want to try the lead and rig in apva bag. being a coated braid the presentation isnt up to much,any sugestions for a black braid would help me out
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