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Everything posted by louis84

  1. I must admit I do love the gorgeous scenery of willesley. Seems to be a fairly decent crowd down there too and im still yet to pull out a lovely big carp from there. Are you back on willesley now jason? Or were you just having a little wonder?
  2. I leave this one to you guys. Doing 24hrs on sat but cant decide which to choose, Willesley lake or Beadles. havn't actually fished beedles yet but walked around once or twice, so would be a first. My fate is in your hands!
  3. where the smeg is snodland?
  4. Was the lake nice and quiet? Where abouts were you fishing?
  5. Theres a thing on horseshoe in this months ACF
  6. aaahh can the mods not create a new emoticon that looks like someone throwing up? Actually, on that note, I think we deserve some better emoticons. Have you seen the ones on carp-forums.co.uk? Their emoticons make us like like small time.....Smaaaaall time! Lets get some new ones!
  7. well, where ever you go, you cant go too far wrong with an island can you
  8. have u been there before? There's loads of stuff willesley lake in the search. Dunno about latest catch reports though
  9. gotta be the good old back to back knot
  10. they look very much like the fox sleeves. Although the fox sleeves go down to even more of a point. There are a few companies out their that do that type of swivel though. I Prefer that type of swivel compared to the korda ones. I think the korda ones help the loop deteriorate a bit too fast.
  11. Personally I use the fox ones. If only for the sleeves. They are nice and streamlined and ensure that your rig lays out flat on the lakebed, by pushing the bait away from the swivel. I'll take a photo and post in a minute
  12. do you have any pix of beadles? Is that on the way from Leicester to Melton? I think i see the signs on the way to work. I may go check it out tommorrow. I only really enjoy picture-esque lakes. Toby, I have seen loads of carp in willesley on hot days, all on the surface and everytime i've been there i've seen someone haul out carp 18-25lb. Plus, you never said what stock you were looking for, just 20lb + carp
  13. stick with willesley mate, I cant catch anything but bream either, but at least i know my rigs are working (i think). I'll go for a night and get through about 5-10 bream but this just makes me more determined to get a carp!
  14. I was down there on sunday aswell. I actually went and chatted to 2 guys who said they got there early on sunday morning. We were watching carp cruse past the swim and i left them with a few dog biscuits. This wasnt any of you two (carlsg or speersy26) was it? It was just too hot for the carp tbh. Although I watched one guy haul in a beauty 24lb common from by the island at around 10 am
  15. Mr N Marriott 01664 850850
  16. If your driving up the M1 from the midlands, there are a few lakes just before leeds, just after wakefield. Thats all I remember
  17. she will throw out season tickets like theres no tommorrow. On my first night there she said "I don't normally do this but i can see your a good lad so i'd just like to say you can have a season ticket if you wanted one" Righto' Christine, anything to get more people in your willesley web.
  18. it is a lovely place with very nice toilets. There are not really any top swims, the carp move about a fair bit. I like to fish the forrest side and cast to the back of the island. There's just so many bream!
  19. Or just put the hookbait in an empty bait bucket with i piece of PVA foam covering the hook point. Seems to work fine
  20. i was casting out a 23 ft zig rig yesterday. My god did i have fun just getting ready for the cast!
  21. does it have to be leadcore? or can it also be tubing?
  22. I hear a lot about people catching on black foam etc (on the zig). Small dark baits work best as they can be seen better in the glowing water. Im going out this afternoon and i was thinking of giving the zig ago.....but using a small piece of cork. i've used zig rigs twice, and had two fish on them, and lost one that aint a bad result at all
  23. Eye kettleby is right near my work and conveniently on the way home for me. I've been there once to check it out but not fished it, the lakes are fairly small and I think there are around 6 in total (?) Never saw the log cabins though and I couldn't find the carp lakes. I'm intending to start going on the way home from work for some course fishing. If you find any useful information on the carp front though then please do PM me
  24. baisically all you can do is try something different. I tend to have a set list of changes and work through them if im missing runs until I get a full take (hopefully) everytime) and you really need to make sure them hooks are sharp.
  25. well, going down there this thursday for the wknd and was wondering if anyone has been fishing it lately? Showers should be well done now Oh and heaven forbid I wqould start a brand new thread. You'd all better appreciate my recycling techniques all info much appreciated Cheers
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