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Everything posted by slinger

  1. Particles work very well apparently. Fishing the Dorchester end of the lake is better for 2 reasons..... Carp seem to congregate that end more (possible decent natural food source?), and secondly, you'll be further away from Weymouth and the inbreeds
  2. Thats why the hooklink should be of a lower BS than the mainline, imo. Also, although I may not have explained myself thoroughly enough, the lead is always able to run free. 6ft of leadcore, is also 3ft longer than I would ever use. The pic below is what I just knocked up to try and show what I meant in words. Clearer than mud I hope
  3. Not if you're using a safety clip. If your using inline, then why would you want the lead to go over the leadcore?
  4. a clip between the mainline and leadcore mate? bit dangerous aint it? Not if the clip is covered with tubing, and the user is confident in their knot tying ability.
  5. You could, if you so desired, when splicing, add a #8 swivel and shok bead to the leadcore before pulling it through, then, onto your mainline, tie, as has been mentioned, either a loop, or, add a rig ring. Then attach both lines with a quick change clip. I would also add, that this is not the way everybody would do it, but personal preference.
  6. Breathe in...............Breathe out Breathe in...............Breathe out Breathe in...............Breathe out Breathe in...............Breathe out
  7. slinger

    B%cks Rig

    Used the 1 up 1 down method over a bag of betaine pellets over the w/e, and the load of loblox worked a treat. A nice mirror screamed out on the loblox rig at 0125 Saturday.
  8. Whether he has changed his views is irrelevant. The rig is what is in debate, and it works just as well now as it did when Martin Clarke designed it.
  9. Spot on advice stoogi. I used the rig last weekend, and used the pva string tied tight around. Result. Twice. Page 138/1423 Korda Advanced Rig Book. Tackling hard waters.
  10. slinger

    B%cks Rig

    or a deleted thread with no reasoning
  11. slinger

    B%cks Rig

    sounds very rude That's personal preference & it's got to be 8 inches? But when they take the bait, does that mean you'd lose your cherry? You keep it tied up That's ma boy! That's what it's there for, it's worth dipping it in to experiment Will that do ya? I'm only quoting, you lot said it Not sure I should submit this one but here goes! ROFLMAO
  12. slinger

    B%cks Rig

    Call it the '167' rig :lol: I could have tied it like that Matt....honest , but I didn't want the hairs to be underneath, away from the hook. That would be defeating the object I wanted to achieve. Having tried it today, I come to the conclussion that I didn't give it long enough. The carp in the lake I fished are greedy. Eat anything, but when they want to eat off the top, nothing will change their minds. Not even hemp, and they jump out the water and meet you at the gate if they smell that normally.
  13. slinger

    B%cks Rig

    Proved to be a load as well mate. Tried it this afternoon, but all they wanted to do was take bread off the top.
  14. As Tony said....Korda tubing is very good, and retains its shape excellantly, even when the hook has been stuck to a rig board for a few months, as soon as you take it off the board the tube goes back to a curve.
  15. slinger

    B%cks Rig

  16. slinger

    B%cks Rig

    Spent a couple of hours experimenting on the best way to tie this....went to take a picture of it, only to find the batteries are stuck in the back of a games console, drained dead Bloody kids Tie a loop on the end of 2 pieces of 8 inch braid. Pulled both pieces through the eye of the hook, leaving a hair just long enough to take a 14mm boillie. Tie off 1 piece using a half-hitch. (Braid 1) Other piece of braid, tied a 7 turn splice, with the other piece (Braid 1)spliced in on alternate turns. On the last turn, thread Braid 1 back 2 turns and then pull tight. Covered the knot with shrink tubing. Untried. Comments appreciated
  17. slinger


    You have more chance of catching a lake record on every cast at Brasenose 1, than seeing a bin, which is a bit of a let down, but as said, if we can take it to a swim, then we should be able to take it home as well.
  18. Yes. The inventor of the rig was catching 40lb'ers and big lumps on the rig. As stoogi has said...... you could try using a length of pva, or alternatively.... once tied the hooklength, on the boillie line, just a fraction under the level of the eye of the hook, tie in a loop, and thread the hook length through so as the 2 lines stay together. as so......... UNTRIED, but I can't see any reason why this would take anything away from the structure of the rig. (I would also offer the alternative of using a rig ring as opposed to tying a loop, but that may mean balancing the boillie with cork)
  19. Ta.
  20. I'd have thought the allbright would be a good alternative. It will lay flat and could be covered with a sleeve or cement to ease through the rings should the need arise. (same knot with line of equal diameter) Would using the surgeons leave a proud bump that would in time get damaged. Not so sure it would glide through the eyes freely either.?
  21. slinger

    Snake rig

    Page 141 & 142.
  22. slinger

    Snake rig

  23. slinger

    360 rig

    ......and that is deemed 'safe' for a carps mouth? The 360 with a pop-up on, would cause more harm to a shoal of fish than a soddin machine gun. (IMO) By using one, the 'downside' rules of probability would, in my opinion, far outweigh the 'good side' reason's for using it. Taking onboard what Neil has said, then I'm not confident/good enough to use one, but I wouldn't use one even if they were 'free' with a box of Kelloggs. That is not to say in any shape or form that that is to be read as casting aspersions towards Neil. Maybe I'll use this next weekend
  24. As Tony states, the blood knot is possibly the best knot to use, but you could also try the Albright knot as well. *covering the knot with shrink tubing is personal preference, but glueing it also helps.
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