i do not feel i need to use a helicoptor rig or a running lead with lead core
i use 22lb braided main line ,45lb leadcore leader, i splice the leadcore both ends atttached my main line direct to the leader and my hooklink to a swivel usualy no higher than a 12lb braicking strian , i slide a safety clip onto the leadcore down to the swivel making sure if i lift the leadcore the clip with lead attached will run backwards with out force.After landing a carp my tail stop is always i mean always half way up my line, now in my mind and has only ever happened is that the hooklink will snap first.
ive never had a leadcore leader give on me in about 6 years or more of using them. but if it did i know for sure the lead would be ejected. Is this still a death rig?
so i dont see the difference with this or a helicopter rig or running lead.
i understand that the carp will trail the leadcore until it ejects the hook but i myself have never come acroos this but i have caught carp with yards of snapped off mono wrapped around them with the tubbing pushed very tight over the swivel with no chance of coming off. which can cause exstream damage to.