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Everything posted by craigmarky

  1. Living in London these days but planing on spending some time home in Herts this year and getting proper back in to my fishing from the spring. How these places looking atm, fiushing these days etc ?
  2. In the warmer months despite the huge numbers of swims available across the waters it can get very busy i would suggest a mid week sesion if you can get the time
  3. I would say your best bet is to have a look on the Linear website
  4. Anyone now hows its doing these days
  5. Pixies Mere in Hemel Hemstead, Holywell court in WGC, Willows Farm Lakes St Albans, ribb valley fishing lakes in Ware.
  6. check out the website just google pixxies mere plenty detail on there
  7. 203 carp weighing 7-10lb added to the match lake weekend just gone 53 carp weighing 10-15lb added to the farm lake
  8. Yes its between colney and st albans there on facebook under Willows lakes good for pictures and updates also have a website at http://www.willowslakes.com/
  9. All the carp were moved to the big lake along with a fresh stocking and wat was already in the big lake in May 2009
  10. Anyone fishe dit over the summer ?
  11. Any summer news ?
  12. I had heard that most of the fish had died and the water levels were very low etc ?
  13. Anyone know what the water levels are like here atm
  14. Thanks Slatts let us know please
  15. Anyone know what this place is looking like at the moment in terms of water levels etc ??
  16. There are a few small carp in the little lake but the one that was the moian carp pool only has trout now and the big big lake is all carp and some pike etc
  17. Rib lake is certainly no double figure runs water thas for sure its definately on the right track to becomeing a good water. They seam to have sensible stocking and stock management most of the carp are doubles and 20s with a few 30s and those fish and the high singles to low doubles will grow on well with the ammount of space they have available
  18. There was a bit of a stocking i October
  19. I highly recoment rib valley fishing lakes on the edge of ware. I live just opposite the lakes and the waters are in great condition, the prices are fair, its not over fished its not easy but theres a good chance, its very clean and quite secure google them they have a website and feel free to pm me
  20. Any recent info anyone ?
  21. Walked the lake yesterday and i actually saw quite a bit of movement. I saw two pike anglers and a match angler but no one carping. Nothing jumped out the water but there were clear signs of movement.
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