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Everything posted by splinters

  1. The water should warm up in spring might get 2 runs at time
  2. Simples if you can,t handle 2 rods fish with one. Looking at flaxlands who would want to fish more than one rod any how. I,ve had 2 on at once couple of times and managed to handle ok. even had 3 once in the middle of a thunder storm don,t know who was wettest me or the fish but coped. How things change though water I am on at present Had one carp in 150 nights But hey its lovely to be there
  3. Have you looked at Bawburgh lakes website.
  4. Sorry m8 only looked at there general rules. I have fished it a couple of times when I come down to Lancing to see relations but only for a few hours. Do people really pay £25 to night fish Alderwood Things must be bad. Used to belong to Isfield club 40 years ago before I moves to Norfolk have they not got any decent carp waters you can fish.
  5. believe me if they think that I'm 18 their either blind or stupid Just looked at Alderwoods rules and it mentions under 12 to be accompanied by adult so if you are over 12 you should be ok
  6. Have a look on used tackle,s website they do a 9ft stalking rod at £10 Bought my wife one in 10ft and she had 4 carp 13-13.5lb last week and the rod handled them fine and they where right scrappers. I had a few casts with it seems a great little rod so nice i am going to set it up as my surface rod when she is not using it. Better than spoiling your other rods.
  7. Hi had a few days there a month ago, only saw one lake with a bridge going across the middle of it about the size of a puddle on a postage stamp. Think about 8 pegs so I would think you will only need float gear. Hunstanton has no pier only couple of hundred mtr walk from entrance to beach. Nice tackle shop in town if you need any bits. Didn,t fish so can,t help with fish stock,s
  8. Could you please pm details
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