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  1. anyway i wont be returning!!
  2. the fishing wasn't the only thing , like i said above the water supply was unacceptable and if we had been told truthfully about it we would not have booked the venue. gazmeesh the owner said the lake hadn't been fished for 40 years!! how would you expect it to fish? the conditions - perfect - overcast 22*C and a ripple on the water!! yet very slow fishing! out of the fish caught i had 13, another had 9 another had 5 and 1 had 3.i would expect this from a venue in the uk! i understand what you are saying about lines in the water, but i have been to many venues like this before and when there have been so many fish in the lake it dont matter how many lines are in the water you will catch fish as they are competitive for the food! I think you may change your mind if you paid to go and was met with what we got. all in all my opinion is that this venue is not as advetised.this is why i think that there are very few if any reviews on the place over the last 2 years on any forum, one reason for my review. I would like to hear from anyone else who has been to see what their opinion is?
  3. the owner told us to use that amount of rods, the lake was only 4ft deep all over and we saw about 4 fish jump in a week. walked around the margins and saw a couple of fish. some of the fish we caught twice. you needed to be there to appreciate what i saw. on the web site it says "Over 120 Carp to late 40's with a good percentage of 30's. Nothing ever stocked below 20lb" then it says "Never fished before other than for Pike, the owner of 40yrs only used a spinner!" if you went fishing on a lake what was sold like this would you expect to catch more or less than 30 fish in a week. all anglers fished slack lines so not to spook the fish. what more can i say.
  4. just got back from maya french carp lake. the web site says it has over 100 fish stocked over 20lb i think this is more like 50 after all it is only 2 acre so they would have nowhere to hide and between 12 rods and 4 very accomplished anglers who have fished in france for over 15 years all with p.b. s over 50lb we only managed around 30 fish in a week. Next - water , the water we was told, was metallic due to high iron content, UNDERSTATEMENT - the water was orange and smelly like a stagnant metalic smell you could hardly stand the smell in the shower room never mind have a shower in there!!! The kitchen area was clean and tidy but you needed to wash all plates, cups and utensils in drinking water otherwise they smelled of iron, not very appetising when eating your food!!! log cabin bedrooms are tidy and clean this is a positive but you pay extra for this. T.V. room is a must for the kids and had a dvd player but no freeview as it says on the web site. This is aslo an extra to be paid for. Overall i would not recommend this venue to anyone and will not be returning!!!
  5. well we are back from laroussi, what a place!!! out of 8 of us we all caught, thats a great thing. 4 lads caught a 50 each, 1 had a 64lb mirror, 1 had a 39lb grassy and the other lad had a 101lb catfish.along with 3 x 40's and aroud 12 x 30's ,already booked for next year. cant wait. i would recommend laroussi to anyone. and dont worry about which swim to fish, every swim has a load of features and mehdi will show you where they are. great fish great venue. Quality!!!!!!
  6. gonna book la horre for next year . can anyone tell me where the old river bed runs from - to, is it in front of all the swims? and what sort of distance? any info before i book would be great. thanks
  7. cheers will do, have you looked at les quis. i have been about 12 or 13 times you only drive to dover then they take ya on a coach with a big trailor for your tackle. big fish and a very social place with a lot of the swims close together . food is great too.
  8. cheers for that. its getting close now. i cant wait. feel like a child in a toy shop.are you going back there? how did you get on at old oaks, i hear its a runs water?
  9. off to laroussi in a couple of weeks , 2nd july till 9th. cant wait . 8 anglers whole lake exclusive. anyone been recently? already booked for next year , i hear it is supposed to be the dogs nuts!!!!
  10. thanks for the reply you lot they all look great.
  11. i am looking for a carp lake with a villa, with at least 3 bedrooms and a swimming pool to keep the kids and missis happy. with a carp lake big enough for 4 adults and 2 kids to fish . basically anywhere in france. distance is not a problem as we are wanting it for 2 weeks next year. any info will be appreciated. thanks
  12. forgot to say danny it will be around 200 left to pay i think.
  13. all reet , tell ya what will do well danny, them cell your mate does. anyway the money for laroussi is due aroud 20th april. i'll let ya know how much in a couple of weeks when angling lines get back in touch. hope they aint put the ferry price up.can't wait to go tho it looks the dogs nuts Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day
  14. looking for a carp lake where i can take a caravan and night fish, so i can take the kids and missis with me. anywhere from blackpool to scarborough upto leeds and down to birmingham. anyone with any information i would appreciate it. thanks
  15. catchin a big un with the lads n avin a cold beer, its a quality weeks fishin.
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