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Everything posted by natty

  1. I have noticed in all of the carp mags, that if people are fishing maggots (not on a Korda Klip), they tie on a small rig ring onto their braid, which they will then using bait floss or cotton tie on a bunch of maggots onto the rig ring. I was wondering why bother using a rig ring, why not just tie the maggots onto a standard loop in the end of the braid (like what you would put a hair stop through). As this would have less weight (because there would be no rig ring). ? Any ideas would be great
  2. I am looking for a french venue to fish for a week, if possible I would like it to meet these requirements: * Fairly easy access from travel by Ferry. * It would just be me and my dad going (so don't want the lake to be exclusive lake hire only). * Fairly easy - with plenty of 20s and a few larger carp to over 40lb. * Quite small (6 acres or less would be preferably). * Areas for stalking and if they like floating baits would be good too. * Have cats, grassies and sturgeon as well as carp if possible. * I would stay in a bivvy for the week, so don't need a chalet or cabin for accomondation. Any suggestions would be great
  3. I am going to join HHDAS to fish Balcombe lake. I have done a bit of research on the internet and searched through various carp forums about the lake. From what I have gathered so far, I think the lake has large shoals or tench and bream with the odd carp to mid 20s, maybe upper 20s and the vast majority of the carp are commons. I plan on doing some fishing for the carp on the lake and I also plan on to doing a bit of pleasure fishing with light feeder rods for the tench and bream. Can anyone give me any more info on the stock of the lake? Are there any areas that the carp seem to frequent more than others? What sort of depth is the lake? And also how big do the tench and bream go and what is their average sort of size? Any info would be great.
  4. I live in Brighton and am looking to join an angling club or two next year, instead of paying stupid day tickets rates for every session. I am particularly looking at HHDAS, can anyone recommend any good clubs in my area? Any info would be great
  5. Thanks alot for the reply and useful photos, i'll give it a go
  6. I want to start using flying backleads to keep the main line pinned down. I am currently using running rigs and don't plan to change. I am fishing small waters and don't need to cast more than about 30 yards. For my set up at the moment, I am threading on the lead (connected to a run rig big eye safety clip) onto my mainline, i then have a korda run rig rubber. Next, I have my hooklength tied on with a size 8 swivel which locks into the run rig rubber. On my hooklength i have a korda anti-tangle sleeve (to help prevent tangles). I have had no problems with tangles using this set up and therefore I don't really want to start using tubing or leaders on my mainline. Can I use flying backleads effectively without tubing or leaders with my current running rig set up? Any info would be great
  7. On a couple of the waters I am fishing mono is the only hooklink allowed. I am currently just using the same line as I have got on my reel for the hooklengths (12lb Fox Soft Steel Mono). It has worked ok so far, but I am wondering if there are any better monos to use for my hooklengths (12lb would be ideal). Any suggestions would be great.
  8. I want to have a go float fishing for carp at a local lake in the margins. Braid is banned, so I will be using mono. I am going to use float stops either side of the float to hold it in place. But I will need split shots to cock the float. Will the split shots damage the mono, if they will is there a way around it?
  9. I've caught on a rabbit dropping before.
  10. Does anyone know if there is anyway to present hemp on the hair? Would it be possible to thread the hemp onto some cotton via the use of a normal needle and then tie this in a little ball attached d-rig style? Also is the kryston bogey stuff any good?
  11. I want to try out the new spicy chicken wafter boilies. What do you think would be the best rig to use them on?
  12. natty


    Do you think it will damage a carp's mouth?
  13. natty


    I am going to use 35lb quicksilver to fish for some carp and have the abrasion resistance to handle cats. Do you think that the quicksilver will spook the fish, as it looks quite big and also the colour?
  14. What are your favourite baits for zigs? I just got some adjustable leger stops so am going to try them - that way i can easily adjust the hooklink length untill I find the fish.
  15. natty

    Zig rigs

    Could you use a running rig for a zig rig or does it have to be semi-fixed? Thanks
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