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Posts posted by courtz

  1. They sound like a bit of a gimmick to me, but if they are the same price as anyone elses swivels then why not have ones with bearings in them. If they are more expensive, then I wouldn't bother, because I get on fine with most swivels.


    well said mate


    i find esp normal swivels cheap and effective, £1.99 for 25 is great value in my opinion.



  2. This problem comes up time and time again just buy a diamond eye pole threader (its in the match section) from any tackle shop £2 and any tubing is done in seconds.


    i think that there are also special tubing threaders made by gardner, i find the pole threaders too thick

  3. thanks for that will keep my eye s open for that what price am i look at for the nash or is it cheaper for 30lb flouro ?


    i think the nash ones retail at about 2.99 fo a 4ft leder with two fused loops. with a swivel at one end. And they are called 'nash limpet fluorocarbon leaders'


    it's cheaper to buy a spool of fluorocarbon such as berkely vanish from somewhere like ebay, as it wil be alot cheaper, but more hassle with connecting it.


    i tie mine to my mainline via a shockleader knot


    tight lines



  4. ah ah do they make fluorocarbon leaders if so we should catch a lot of fish lol


    yes mate they do


    i think nash make them under thei 'end game' products


    or just use some 30lb flourocarbon like a 'mini shockleader' with knots etcc, and have it about 3 or 4 ft long



  5. either the drennan barble range, or for surface fishing i find the drennan carp method ones pretty reliable, and have had to bully an 18lber from a weedbed and the hookhold was great, never had one pull or move around causing mouth damage, and all that for 99p a pack!!!!!!!!


    Starting to loose my faith in esp hooks, but still think other gear is pukka



  6. found this image on the web comparing fluorocarbon(orange pop up) and monofilament(white pop up) which may be interesting. You really can tell the difference.


    This is because fluorocarbon has a light reflection property close to water


    Flourocarbon: 1.39

    Water: 1.41

    Monofilament: 1.59


    i never knew the difference would be this much though.


    tight lines



  7. Most carp are stupid I think attaching a hook to the controller (only joking) would catch more fish looking at the amount that I get trying to eat controllers.


    sooo true, lol


    my brother uses yellow bubble floats and they go mad for them

  8. Doesn't look like a blabber to me Mate,


    just thought i was going over what i'd already said in the other linked post.


    suppose it's neglible compared to some of your posts:) :P:)


    have tried floating putty befor but they try to eat it too:D :o


    tight lines



  9. yes i use the surface rig i posted there with confidence.


    i also tried freelining with a 5ft knotless hooklength tied to the mainline via a water knot as nick (salockinnodrog) had said in that thread.


    i found myslef a nice quite bay and managed 5 fish to 14lbs freelining, including a scale perfect 11lb common as shown in the self take photography thread.


    As for the other rig i use for controller fishing i find it effective as it acts as a bolt rig, and the size 8 swivel stays in place near to the float which should be a tight fit, and if i get snappped the float will eject easily.


    sorry for blabbering on:rolleyes:


    tight lines



  10. in my opion the knotless knot rig is the most simple to tie, and it is effective.


    it can also be modified by adding shrink tubing.


    you could try a search on say google.


    or i've got a simple step by step diagram on my website, you can access it by clicking the WWW icon at the bottom of my posts


    tight lines





  11. i use preston powerline in 8lb 15oz strenght(9lbs basically)


    i have cuaght fish to over 18lbs using it, and the best knot to tie it to the swivel is a palomar in my opinion and then a knotless on the hook end.


    it is very thin and clear.


    i've found it alot stronger than drennan double strength which has rubbish knot strength and snaps easily.


    the strength depends on the size fish you're after. i use 9lb as i go for fish possibly over 20lbs, but you can scale up or down accordingly.


    tight lines



  12. i've just started using preston powerline for my zigs and surface rigs in 8lb 15oz rated strength. In my opinion it's much better than double strenght, as the knot strength is higher, and it breaks at just over 10lbs, wheras 10lb double strength would only break at 8lb for me.


    tight lines



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