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Posts posted by courtz

  1. Rigmarole hydrolink 15lb


    It's not a coated braid though, it's a fluorocarbon with a braided sheath. Works on the same concept for combi rigs though.


    As the braid hasnt been coated when you remove the inner fluorocarbon from a section it is very supple.


    I use the black and find it camouflages very well on most lake beds.


    10/10 for me

  2. I'm having a bit of a problem, in the past two sessions i've had 3 dropped takes.


    I fish slack lines and backleads, when suddenly the bobbin shoots straight up to the rod blank and stays there.


    I've got the feeling that i'm being done. What makes it even more annoying is that there's only 35-40 fish in the lake, and you normally just get one chance per session! They are pressured fish so must be pretty good at dealing with rigs.


    I'm not sure what could be the problem with my rig, because out of 15 fish i've managed to hook this season i've landed all of them. It's just the few that i'm sure i haven't hooked.


    The rigs im using are helicopters with a 3oz square pear, and 2ft of solar contour leadcore with a flying backlead. On the business end it's an 8'' cotaed braid (rigmarole hydrolink 15lb) with the last inch left supple, hooksm are ESP D-7 in size 7, with 5mm of shrink tubing coming off the eye, and a peice of blowback tubing along the shank. Bait wise is a 14mm with a 5mm gap between the hook bend and bait.


    I change rigs after each fish and make sure they are always sharp before casting, and use a PVA nuggest to protect the hook point on the cast.


    I'm sure there's something i could do to convert these missed chances into fish on the bank?


    Here's a couple of idead i've been toying with


    -Larger baits

    -Longer hairs

    -Smaller leads

    -Counter balancing the weight of the hook with fake corn/half a pop up


    What ideas do you have?





  3. I've been using a little rig that i came up with after having a play around with a few bits. i presume im not the first one to think of it though.


    I use size 12 drennan barbel hooks, basically a smaller version of the esp Big-T. Tie up a standard knotlles knot with blow back tubing on the hook shank and mount a peice of floating fake corn length ways. Then coil just enough lead wire (i use the surplus bits from splicing leadcore) so that it sinks the fake corn very slowly. Coil this tightly around the hooklink and push it up towards the eye of the hook, then use a bit of shrink tubing to create a line aligner which traps the lead wire inside it. The section of shrink tubing sits nicely on the bottom with the corn above it conceiling the hook. It may be easier to post a picture than underatnd that though


    Not sure if it would be relevant on a virgin lake as the fish shouldnt be riggy so a simple set up will be just as effective.

  4. Ive ordered some Quick Link Heli-Swivels, i can tie a figure of 8 loop now to attatch them instead of tying it direct to the swivel.




    Yep they're very good links, and good value at £2 50 for ten and ten silicon sleeves.


    You may have to trim down the sleeves a bit for using a chod as they are abou 5cm long. :lol:

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