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  1. you could try using a zigrig so it will hover above or have a long hooklink and put pva foam on the hook so it will rest on the weed.... But carp will feed n the weed and rip it up to get to the food so you can let it go all the way down and they should find it Rich
  2. Heres one for you camo freaks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Twig-Rig-Carp-Fishing-Tackle-Rigs_W0QQitemZ7242915499QQcategoryZ117101QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem PMSL Rich
  3. i sell rigs on ebay and have sold zigs a few times for a bit of extra money
  4. who is the guy.....
  5. bottom baits on clear water korda longshank and longshank x for snaggy water and korda wide gape for surface fishing and zigs and fox 1b's for barbless waters on daeck and korda widegape b for zigs and surface on barbless waters lol a lot of hooks Oh and i use 8's and 10's nothing bigger unless im in france lol
  6. I have had no probs with fox 1b and gorda wide gape b but its personal preferance really
  7. when its a hair rig is it the same set up
  8. what do you do different knot wise on fluro carbon vs mono
  9. ok sorry about that didn't think:o
  10. just off the korda website
  11. richchappy


    about zigs if you are intersested Zig rigs by Ian Poole This Article can be found on the Korda wesite under the name "the art of zig rig fishing" Edit Note: I edited this post because of legal reasons. If you find an intresting article on another webpage please post a link to this article and not the article itself because of copyright. Lebigboss
  12. what is the best stuff do you guys think
  13. I recently started using saftey lead clips with rig tubing in a set but is the rig tubing needed as they are the fox ones with the peg in it for the swivel
  14. just got one today thank god. seriously i was there for about 2 hours seting up 2 rods...
  15. I have spent the best part of 2 hours gettin 2 rods set up with rig tubing so can any1 tell me the best way to put your mainline thru rig tubing as i almost commited suicied!!!
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