seriously hate the korda wide gapes... i use them but i hate them because i once got on stuck in my leg and i couldn't pull it out... not even with pliers so it was off to A&E, what fun
whats the best hook pattern for fishin a big 30mm homemade boilie topped with a 15mm pop up? lately i've been using the muggas, these are quite good but i'd just like some different opinions
sorry to be a bit pedantic but i've got fluorocarbon... i use it for a few of my stiff rigs... and i use the knotless knot rig for quite a lot of my fishing... i meant just a rig to try out... any ideas...
SOS...SOS...SOS...Can someone please help me... i need a tried and tested rig the will help present my bait well on the bottom and is hidden from the fish... thanx in advance
i wrapped a bit of reed around my hooklink with leadwire for a bit of stalking... WHAT A WASTE OF TIME... i would've one better sittin in my bivvy behind my buzzers... playin the waitin game
a good idea is to have a mixer on the very end of ur line with no hok then one with a hook about a foot away...and tie this to a swivel and put a cork on the swivel using 2 bait bands... this will be like the controler... and it wont spook the fish... the fish will be wary of the end mixer but the 1 with the hook will be less obvious... it's just brilliant
I use twenty lbs STRIP- TEAZE... great for supple rigs when you strip back the coating... and awesome for keeping its shape when being cast... not easily tangled