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Everything posted by commonhunter

  1. Steve you posted...... "I thought of a way of free-lining a bait out 50 yards. Does anyone care, and if so, should I post it here or in another thread?" I'm thinking here would be good!! and now!!! lol I look at different things when i'm deciding what rig to use, for example.. I'd weigh up the desirability factor, I have noticed that on the buzzers i will "generally!" get a few bleeps then a run. From watching Korda Videc's It also seems that the carp take a sample and then try to eject the hook. So most of the modern derivitives of the hair rig ( D, Slider, "Blow Back" Shrink at all sorts of angles!!), are in effect trying to engage the hook at get less ejection. I use a bait like worms, "lots", side hooked. Anti-Eject isn't an issue as i believe the Carp approach this with so confidence, especially when it's not 6" away from a 3oz Lead! Just a Thought! Also, with regards to Leads, as still the rig! I Think That if i study and really understand the species i'm fishing for then my rate of catch will increase, maybe confidence, or maybe that i have an idea where they like to play!. I'm currently not fishing Lakes and am concerntrating my efforts toward more river Carp, just the one at the mo!, and in studying catch reports for river caught carp and the rigs used, there is a definate weight towards a traditional plain lead, not coated. interestingly tho, in looking into this particular fact it transpires that Dave Lane and Lee Jackson both favour a plain lead! Since learning this (about 12 Months ago) i have exclusivley used plain leads for all of my carp fishing and i haven't stopped catching! the problem is...... It also came about when i really decided to get off my ************ and Fish, rather than sit behind alarms all the time. Since that i really haven't stopped catchin'! i'd love to say it's just the leads but............. Rob.
  2. Answer to simple rig!! Steve, my reasoning is this.......... The lengh of the hair on a hair rig, can produce different effects (i know you know this)This is over complicating the presentation to start with, as the hook is exposed. side hooking allows for both a more natural presentation (especially if tied with a fine wire spade end) and covers the hook! but i would be filling it with worm anyhow!!! Paternoster because the bite detection is fantastic, but i also get a good indication of what is happening at the terminal end. most probably though, at this lake, i'd start with a touch ledger, then maybe a running ledger, depending on wheather i'd had, runs and drops, or bites, no takes.... my fishing day to day is........ turn up at lake.... locate fish.....(5 acres,,,, about 1/2 -3 hrs) get them feeding, i use the same as hookbait, so if worm then a very few chopped to get a feed.... if they don't feed i move! once feeding, if castable then freelined 8-20 worms. centrepin reel with 8-12lb mono with a leader of about 6lb fluro. cast over then pulled in to fish.... nailed!!! simple and effective! i have always fished for carp the wrong way, presenting not finding! now i've changed, after trying and failing for river carp! had a 18 common at the weekend tho, freelined sweetcorn... was after a barbel and bang!!!!! chuffed to bits!!! i had to catch one and took a leaf out of some barbel anglers book!!! increased my catch rate no end..... defo 1 carp a session......... unless i blank!!!!! lol
  3. now we have 10 acres...... i'd start by seeing if there are trees close by to get a visual if not then...... i'd start with a side hooked bait (match/old style) of natural.... worms are a fav at this time of year! i'd use a simple paternoster then change one thing at a time... untill i found them!!!! I would never spod, use a huge lead, or buzzers, this early!! Q's 1) Weed and other Aquatic life give off less oxygen during the cooler parts of the day, does this mean they will move from the shallows or stay for the food?
  4. That's it then end of thread i reckon!!!!! summed up in last three posts......
  5. Nuff said Steve!! 3 rules to fishing any species 1) Find 2) Feed 3) Present I know this sounds rudementry but i often see only the presenting done on lakes!! As Steve has said, Follow these rules and you should be expecting to catch!!! He has just, in carp terms, hauled!! on a "Hard" water. Incidently... i don't think a hard water exists really!!!! i've fished a 9 acre with 6 fish in it........ was it hard? No, took me about 3 months to find the fish, then 3 fell to freelined worm in the margin.. (on there nose) not hard, just ages to find!
  6. Steve (rip), Salok, My Best Friend thinks we're, mad! he is very new to the carp scene, and has just spent a ridiculous amount of money on all the bling!!! Solar pod Blah Bah Etc........ we went and did a 48 hr session in which i caught the lake record!! no body else caught a fish except my mate!!!!!! he hadn't caught up till the last hour! i saw a fish earlier in the day, in the margin under his feet!!! i tied a size 10 Korda Hybrid straight to my 8lb mainline threaded on 2 lob worms and told him to put it down by his feet!!!!! 24lb 1oz Mirror....a new pb his previous being 11lb. he was so so happy!!! as you know! later that day he said thanks and all that then he said something that knocked me of the floor!!!!! "that was a fantasic fish but i want to be a carper, and can't wait to catch one off the buzzers!!!!" He doesn't feel he fits in the scene unless he's got 3/4 rods on a pod etc....... Thats the problem!! image! i don't give a monkeys what i look like on the bank!! so to your question what annoy's the modern carp angler!!! i'd say me and you do, because we don't have to look like a carper to catch big fish!!! how dare we....... they've spent thousands on their gear and we only use one rod!!!!!! and Mr Crabtree Style... i get called all sorts on the bank!!! because of my day-to-day carp gear!!! i use and take to the bank....1 rod (Split cane, Richard Walker Replica) 1 centrepin reel, and an ESP stalking bag... if it's not in that then it ain't cummin! My gear is always on me, i work for myself! if i'm passing a lake during the day i'll stop and have a look... if i see what i want to see, i'll fish for an hour or so. get a fish (if i see what i want this is expected) i'm still a carper!!!! it was funny though when i went to DreamLakes in France!!!!!!!!the baliffs faces at my gear!!!!!! i only fished the days never the nights, just sat in my bivvy watching dvd's!!!! me and me RW stacked a load of fish to 48lb...... i'll find out what carpercarl thinks about this thread!!!! he's a young guy who is a very good modern carp angler!! i'd like to here his views!!! Rob.
  7. WOW!!!! i've been blown away!!!!! Ripslider (steve), Thank you Thank you Thank you. You have summed it up. In fact i'd go as far as to say that, you have explained and answered at least 80% of this entire sites forums. it's the way i fish and i know the jeering your on about!!! don't get me wrong when the Greys tools and shimano XTE's need using they get using!!!! and thats the point! as i've mentioned before on this site, i have caught carp still on a side hooked bait! i do use braided link with a knotless but only when needed! i will say though Steve, you've kinda let the cat out the bag a bit!!! lol.... It'll never catch on mate!!! Not much stainless in sight!!!
  8. marcustackley you are so so right!!! sometimes I think we tie these rigs to impress the carp in hope that they find it so aesthetically pleasing they take the bait just to meet the angler watched carp crew friday night.... showed lee Jackons Rig he caught "Two Tone on!!!!!!!! knotless to a size 4 about 6-7in long... fished with a single piece of maize proper simple.....some would say too simple for a british record!!!!!!!!! wonder if many people fish conninbrook?!?!?!?!?!?
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