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  • Location
    Orne, France
  • Interests
    Carp and water

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  1. Hi Fudgecat we are a little place called La Chaussee , Ciral , Lower Normandy. if you want more info have a look at www.genesis-carpfishery.com
  2. At long last ,after several weeks of very hot weather, we have rain and very much cooler , things have been a bit slow here due to the heat, even so we have had a few 30 +'s out this week
  3. I'll second that
  4. maybe you guys can help? I have a client looking to hire, as cheaply as possible a van for 3 anglers in or around the Sheffield area and drive to France for a week. any one know of good hire company up that way ? thanks
  5. it's so quiet you could here a hook drop ??? Happy new year to ya all
  6. to each and everyone
  7. Hi realgap we have, as you rightly mentioned Carp and Tench along with Roach ,Pike some Bream Perch and Crucians we also have found during the netting half a dozen Chub. Having said that being a carp fishery none of the other species are in large quantities other than the Tench and even than not loads
  8. Hi footpath when you say nothing on it do you mean completly blank? as there is a couple of pics on there and a write up of catches for the past week ? It maybe that we had only just added it so had not written anything on there at that time . Shall be adding more as the week go's by with whats been caught this week , I can say that we have had 3 carp out from 33 to 34 lbs so far.(plus others)
  9. In the past 5 weeks since our opening this year we have had 24 anglers on the lake and we have also had some awful weather from frosts to plenty of rain, high winds and very cold. The fishing was very patchy to start , but now with the warmer weather things are improving day by day. 196 Carp have been banked with 107 from 10 lb to 20 lbs , 65 carp from 20 lbs to 30 lbs and 24 from 30 up to 37 lbs. Our best common to date came in at 37lbs and our lake record standing,a mirror at 38.5 lbs (so far)click on the link and see some of Genesis Carp from the past couple of yearshttp://photobucket.com/Genesislake
  10. best carp out so far was a 37lb 2 oz mirror followed by a 36lb 4 oz and then 14 other 30's , 79, 20 to 30lbs almost half of that being upper 20's,and 45 doubles most being 15 to 20 lb'ers thats for 14 anglers over the past few weeks and considering the lousy weather I think the guys have done very well ,,,, good on ya boys and thanks for the words of encouragement.
  11. we live here and have done for 4 years now at Genesis lake , we drink the water and it's fine ,other then the twinges na mate it's fine
  12. just checked our diary and yes we do have some places free in that time frame , www.genesis-carpfishery.com for further info
  13. perhaps these forum sites could help out here by doing a list of French registered fisheries , I for one would willing give the siret number for Genesis carp fishery.
  14. Hello Just to let anyone that has been trying to contact us at Genesis, we have had untold problems with the phone lines and internet, all seems to be fine know. We shall be updating our web site with new email addresses soon, also informing our clients of future and past of the new email address . thanks for your patience Eddy
  15. Thank you John and a merry Christmas to you ,yes the knees doing ok thanks . wont be long now , you'll soon be back on the banks of Genesis looking forward to meeting the gang again.
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