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Everything posted by deanjeff21

  1. ok thanks for your help anyway
  2. hi there tony, yeah if you let me know if you find anything out cheers also if you have a link to your waters or any info aswell
  3. hi there ive been to this lake twice now and im trying to book it again but cant get hold of the bloke to book it on any of the numbers i have for him anybody know john the owner or have any idea whats going on with the lake ?? link removed gaz
  4. Hi there. Ive fished this lake once before I had an 11lb my brother fishin in my swim had a 19lb and the two blokes from my brothers work who took us here had doubles all within a 12hour session. Speaking to the owner the lake is 15 years old and if you go into the toilet iver by the big tin sheds you will see loads of photos of fish including a massive fish which looks like a grass carp, been told this is a belgium blue but looking on the internet cant find any info about such fish. Im going to try and fish this lake on a regular basis so if anybody has any information about the lake then id be greatfull
  5. My brother took me for a few hours years ago before i was into carp fishing and now im into carp fishing i go to the good fisheries in kent. My brother who lives over that way says he keeps seeing people with there carp porters and a few people at his work have said they go there. not sure if this is true but we hear that about 10 years ago some company was dumping waste into the lake and got caught. the lake got poluted and fish died. as part of the punishment the company had to pay for cleaning the lake and restocking it. and now its fishing well with some nice big carp in there. anybody know if this is true or got an other info?
  6. hi there i have just booked up to go to france in july and ive been recomended this lake by a friend. has anybody been there before, im looking for tips on bait or method and any extre info that isnt on the lakes website Lac de Fontaine au Chene [edited to remove links]
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