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Everything posted by stevejb

  1. thanks, one more question. do you think that choies of hooklength material ie braid or mono should require different hook patterns ?
  2. thanks, would you always go for a long braid hooklink instead of mono ?
  3. hi, great thread, did anybody take any of it on board with their fishing & if so how did it affect it ?
  4. thanks nick, as allways. steve
  5. hi, what do you all think is best for keeping the hair in position on the shank of the hook & why
  6. hi jemsue3, i blobed the end & used 30lb stiff link starting to think ive got a duff set of pliers. thanks for feedback mate, bit gutted because its got to be esier than knotting this stuff. steve.
  7. thanks chris, i would be gratefull if you could. how do i give you my address?
  8. tried it with the two holes in the crimp along the line from top of pliers to bottom and it makes the crimp wide & flat but grips the line. crimping it at 90 degrees to this line rolls it, it looks a lot tidier but dont hold ?
  9. hi chris, i want to tie booms & rigs with the crimps but even with there 20lb & 30lb stiff links they slip. i take it you just pop it in the small hole & sqeeze:confused:
  10. thanks for answering. i am using the wychwood tool in the small hole at the top.
  11. hi, i would apreciate some help with wychwood crimps. after trying them with 20lb,30lb,25lb iq,15lb &20lb esp stiff link i still cant make the things grip & not slide under pressure. any help would be welcome. thanks
  12. cash, when i tried the rubber bead it was a 5mm esp one, it would slide over the knot with my fingers but when i put a swivel on and pulled the hook length it all locked up. am i using the wrong type of bead for this setup & if so could you recomend something else.
  13. thanks for answering, but when i tied a loop on the end of 22lb flouro it would not pass through my lead clip. after watching korda 4 dvd they were using a fixed swivel in the clip, is that the way to go?
  14. if you was to use it with say a nash lead clip would you use some strong line to lock the swivel in place so could not release the swivel after the lead has gone
  15. there is a flourocarbon leader in this months iycf with a pierced rubber bead surely that would`nt pass over a loop knot in 22lb leader ?
  16. hi, in a post a while ago it was recomended to use a 22lb flourocarbon leader but when you tie a loop on the end to join it to the main line the knot will not pass through the hole in the lead clip or tail rubber ?. i guess this is not good.
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