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  1. Looking on going for 3 night session this Friday trying to find out if the weather gonna be OK my weather app isn't great but is saying precipitating down Saturday Sunday I don't wanna get wet 😫
  2. Hi please can somebody explain the benefits of high and low test curve rods ? I have 2.5tc rods I don't fish a long way out will they be ok for 30lb plus fish if played right TIA guys
  3. I'm on the look out for one 2nd hand local no stores near me have in stock
  4. Hi guys I'm going to buy a solar sp c tech system am I making the right decision TIA
  5. Thanks Ian I've found one collecting next week
  6. Just found a carp porter mk2 fatboy local to me for £130 is that a good price ?
  7. Hi I have a £150 budget and I'm looking for a barrow for 2 or 3 day night sessions I don't have tons of gear please could some of you recommend me something I have been looking at the ngt 2 wheeeler bit I know there a low price company TIA guys
  8. Thanks guys I'll get practicing 🙂
  9. Hi Sometimes it takes me 20 minutes or more to dismantle my landing net has anyone got any tips to make this quicker ? I have a y shaped spreader by saber .tia
  10. So do I use the spinner with soft braided hooklink boom
  11. Thank you for the information mate 👍
  12. Either is OK but best all round
  13. Hi I've just joined a big park lake I've only ever fished small lakes in the past and in abit intimidated please could someone give me some tips on tactics for this big lake
  14. What's the best brand helicopter rigs with QC ?
  15. Hi I've currently been using solid bags with a bottom bait but now looking for the best pop up rig for my solid bags What would you guys suggest ?
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