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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. Should say pudding.
  2. Puffing last night. Doughnut with glazed toffee over the top. Boi this man can fish but also cook.
  3. Todays Breakfast after doing some photo’s for Steve R this morning, this followed an upper 20 and a 30+ earlier the week for him.
  4. First weekend on a new water and eating well. Thanks Steve R who had fed me well. Bacon and egg roll as soon as I pulled in the car park and walked round the lake. Stir fry, soup and bread. Top fella considering only just met him.
  5. Possibly depending on Location. Attended very 1st to Bury St Edmunds many moons ago,
  6. Yeah was being used at the time, Not much talked about then...... Have made a few rigs and all hooking up instantly on test so shall just go with what i've made then.
  7. Hi All, Not fished for 12yrs. Rods are dusted down, New Line put on reels everything good to go. Has much changed in respect of Rigs. Have retested what i used to make and hook spins and hooks every time on test. I see Nick is still Chief Mod - Met Nick at very 1st Social - Bury St Edmunds. Steve
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