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Everything posted by RJT74

  1. HI, spoke to Nash.. Different foot print... kerching!
  2. Hi does anyone now if the Titan Hide XL Ground sheet fits the new Hide XL Camo ? Im going to buy the new bivvy one but will keep the old g/sheet if it fits. cheers Rich
  3. thanks, have you ever used either of these two below? it will be for both spodding and marking so really want one as light as possible. budgets 200 - 300. cheers Century SM (Spodding Machine) Rod 12ft Daiwa Longbow DF Spod N Marker Rod 12ft
  4. HI, has anyone had any experience of this spod rod? I thought as its 12 '6 it may help spodding by being that 6" longer than my 12' rods? cheers
  5. HI, when fishing at my maximum distance - about 120yrds i struggle to spod there with my 12ft FS CTX rod. Would a 13ft Spod rod help me get there do you think?
  6. Hi does anyone think a 3.25tc is too stiff on a 10ft rod for casting ? will the shorter length of the rod amplify the TC ?
  7. Hi, i rang Century yesterday and he said it was a 6 i 1 6 model not 6 1 1 6 from 2016 ish. Really nice on the phone. Was fine talking about the rod even though it wasn't a 'new sale' I can see why people think highly of them and their kit.
  8. HI, has anyone got or owned a set of the Century rods above? How old do you think they are? its got the number 6116 on the blank so i presume that's a model number? cheers
  9. How much further distance do you get on casting with using a 14000 over a 5500 reel or is it all really on the line capacity and the larger diameter line you can cast with the bigger reel. I find the 14000 a big heavy thing and try not to use them !
  10. HI, has anyone been over with bait in the last few weeks? were there any issues? I cant really see french customs being that bothered with 10kg of boilies but you never know?!!
  11. Hi, im thinking of changing my Free spirit CTX 12'6 3,25 for either of the rods above? The CTX are a nice rod but are heavy and you know about it after a day casting and spodding! I have a set of 10ft rods that i use mostly so will only use these for 40% of my fishing. If anyone has these and could give me feedback that would be great or any other alternatives for around 150-170 per rod. chers
  12. I have just spooled some 18lb ESP synco loaded line to my Ultegra 14000's in readiness for France in a few weeks. ive never used heavier than 15lb and know it will shorten the distance of my cast. I normally use a 3 or 3.5oz lead. Will using a 4oz lead help me keep some distance? also will i be able to give a cast full 'beans' with no shock leader? cheers
  13. HI, has anyone got one of these? are they any good? are the Carbon ones much better or just lighter? cheers
  14. https://www.anglingdirect.co.uk/tronixpro-interlock-snap-swivels?queryID=764df10bc9ec75676959f3f7ce86666c&objectID=85999&indexName=live_ad_uk_products i thought maybe these as the round end may allow more movement than a traditional swivel (even the large one) ?
  15. thanks for the tip, sometimes it works and it comes off unknotted, sometimes it doesn't! im glad its not just me it happens to!
  16. thanks Mate, will give these a go as well. really appreciate you responding. ive been doing a lot of unnecessary swearing on the bank !
  17. Ive followed the insrtuctions but it just ends up in a big mess so i cut it. Im going to try with a swivel or mini clip as suggest. thanks for response,.
  18. that sounds good. I Will give it a go. Thanks
  19. yep thats what i do.. however i do its a knotty mess when trying to undo it. I thought about maybe using a big sea fishing snap swivel.
  20. Hi apart from the big loop to switch out leads and spombs is there any way of attaching then to braid ? i only ask as im forever having to cut the braid to get a lead or spomb off even when tying a little knot further down the main loop. Its always gets more tangled and difficult, is there a type of swivel or clip etc that can do it? cheers
  21. Hi, i went to the field and tried it with 15lb straight through and a heavier lead. No crack offs and felt easier to compress the rod with a 3.5oz lead..?
  22. Hi, i have been using some 2.75lb 10ft rods for fishing a local lake. They get a bit bendy when trying to cast with a bag or anything more than a 2.5 oz lead. i decided to buy some higher TC rods to help with this problem. i bought some Shimano TX4 10FT 3.25LB. ive been down the local lake and have been casting with a 3oz lead. 12LB ESP Syncro line and had 2 crack offs? I bet i don't get 2 a year normally? To be fair i was trying to give the cast full 'beans' to see how far i can go to with them. is it a simple case of going up to 15lb line or as the rod is only 10ft is it acting stiffer than a 12ft 3,.25? any help appreciated. Richard
  23. HI, ive recently put some carp spirit 30lb braid on my spod reel. Ive gone to attach the shock leader 50lb Nash Braid and i lost a marker float - It flew off with the knot failing. Ive tried back to back grinners and mahin knot and same result now losing 3 marker floats! Ive just re tied at home the Mahin 3 times and pulled the line really hard and thought i had a secure knot. i carried on pulling and after a few seconds the carp spirit 30lb braid just pulled through the knot. Its really waxy braid. Im sure it cant be my knot tying ability. i have no issues with other knots? I think its just the [censored]e carp spirit braid!
  24. Hi, Is there anyone giving casting tuition in the Yorkshire area? I think i could do with some help to get better distance! cheers
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