Different boilies, pellets and particles always work well. I use Nash instant action monster crab, instant action crab and krill and coconut creme all at the same time, if carp don't want the fishmeals then they will eat the coconut cremes, meaning that they will still feed. I use chickpea, sweetcorn, maize and hemp as well, this, in my opinion, creates the best feeding response as No matter what the carp want, it should be there. I also like to fish a pva into this as I want to make sure my bait is presented well so I use a bag of 2mm pellets.
I think that it should confuse pressures carp and they should trip up as it looks like many anglers have just dropped different baits in as they leave, and the different boilies have different breakdown rates and scent trails, making sure that all levels of the lake have attraction drawn to them for a prolonged amount of time.
I'm the end it's just down to what your confident with though