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Posts posted by honestveek

  1. I have a JRC STI-R with over wrap and an Aqua Atom with wrap. Both are a pain to put up so gather dust whilst I use a Wychwood 50 inch HD brolly. This is the one that came out with a five year waterproof guarantee. I don’t think I have ever used the groundsheet but have started to use the wrap more to keep the mosquitoes out. It also provides a little extra room and darkness.

    I often (electronic) window shop an M3 as they look great but I know I will go back to the simplicity and speed of a brolly system.

  2. The best rods I have ever used are Daiwa Infinity X in 2.75 or 3.5. Both are long distance beasts.

    I have more modern rods and a few other golden oldies like Armalites but nothing feels as good as the Infinities. Not really a fan of the whacky styling around the reel seat which must put people off.

    I honestly think with the pursuit of profit in modern rod manufacture there will never be a rod as good.

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