carpquarry Posted November 27, 2009 Report Posted November 27, 2009 10/10/09-17/10/09 Tony Nick & Steve arrived from Plymouth and Bournmouth after drawing straws on the boat Tony had the pick of swims and went for swim 1 the rock, this was a good choice as within 3 hours of being here he landed a 37lb8oz mirror beating his PB by 6lb this was caught on boilie in 12ft of water only 3ft from his rodpod, Nick replied in swim 5 with a 32lb mirror breaking his PB by 2lb. After all the excitment at the start the lake went quite for a couple of days the carp now know there are anglers after them.After a little bit of advise Tony was in again in swim 1 at 2am with the first frost of the year and he was rewarded with a little mirror of 25lb after lossing a few he landed another mirror at 30lb. In the early hours Tony was out in the frost landing another mirror at 29lb Nick was also up playing a good fish but only to loss it at the net.Later that morning just to let the boys know the start of the fishing wasnt luck Tony landed another long original mirror at again 37lb8oz. Nick wasnt having any of that and was into a nice carp that came in at 31lb8oz from the far cliff face on pineapple boilie followed by another at 29lb8oz. At last Steve rod was of and he landed a cracking mirror at 34lb from crab boilie,Plenty of fish were missed/lost but it wasnt bad with the first frost etc. Well done guys. Nick 29lb8oz,31lb8oz and 32lb PB. Steve 34lb. Tony 25lb,29lb,30lb,37lb8oz,and 37lb8oz PB Ave fish from the trip just over 32lb.[/img] Tony 29lb8oz Nick 32lb Tony with one of his 37lb8oz mirrors Tony with his other 37lb8oz Quote
carpquarry Posted December 19, 2009 Author Report Posted December 19, 2009 Dan popped over for a long weekend with his girlfriend Charlotte. To be fair after just having the first frosts of the year the fishing was hard going, I know Dan said the fish were topping and jumping like mad but they were having none of it, well Dans bait anyway.The weekend quickly passed and still no joy, Dan was starting to pack up think he had blanked when his bobbing shot up and his alarm was screeming at him.He hit it and hooked into a big fish from the far side of swim 1 on chilly tuna boilie after a good fight the fish was in the net and on the unhooking mat it was a very large mirror that was all shoulders a bit like Frank Bruno and it weighed in at 44lb breaking Dans PB by 10lb. Well done Dan I hope it was worth the wait, it just show you dont give up till the fat lady sings because you never know she may be just about to take your bait. Its a great pic but dosnt show the real size of this one. Quote
carpquarry Posted February 26, 2010 Author Report Posted February 26, 2010 Well here we are looking forward to the 2010 season, 2009 was a busy time at Carpquarry, The lake itself was very little fished mainly because we were still finishing off works to it and the house, we had a few groups over mainly friends and overall they did quite well with the average fish at just over 32.5lb and the largest caught at 44lb. The fish are putting on weight at an incredible rate this is mainly due to the feeding programme, perfect water quality together with no real angling pressure this is why we are expecting our first 50lb plus fish to be landed in 2010 and the first person to do it I will buy them a bottle of bubbly. With this in mind there is still plenty of dates to have your holiday with us. Once our first guests come I will keep you up to date with latest catches,pictures,locations,baits etc. Hope you all have a great season. Regards Gordon Carpquarry. Quote
carpquarry Posted April 16, 2010 Author Report Posted April 16, 2010 10/4/10 – 17/4/10 We have had our first guest over from Cornwall Sid and his wife Lesley and there friends Ron and Viv. This was not a hardcore fishing holiday, It was a holiday with the ladies with some fishing aswell. Sid and Ron both done well smashing there PBs and also a French friends son who popped over for day for a BBQ beside the lake also done well catching the biggest fish within an hour of being there. Carp were caught from the smallest at 25lb up to 35lb8oz all the fish and missed runs were from tight to the far side cliff face from swims 2 to 4 using a baitboat with a couple of handfuls of Carpquarry pellet with a few freebe boilies and the same type on the rig. All the runs were on the Carpquarry Scopex,squid and red robin boilies. Well done on your new PBs and we look forward to seeing you again soon. Sid 32lb8oz Ron 25lb Nicholas 35lb8oz We still have plenty of availability left for 2010 holidays Quote
carpquarry Posted May 8, 2010 Author Report Posted May 8, 2010 Carpquarry catch report w/c 1st May 2010 This week saw the return of Tony,Steve and Nick for there second visit after falling in love with the place back in the Autumn last year.This week was much colder than the last few weeks so no suntans this week. The change in the weather seemed to stop the bigger fish putting in an appearance but they still done quite well with the smallest king carp at 25lb8oz and the largest at only 32lb8oz. Well done to Steve with his lake record wild carp at 12lb.All the fish were caught from the far side tight to trees/cliff face on pop up foam on a chod rig or squid scopex & red robin boilies topped with a yellow pop up plastic corn or foam to form a snowman type bait. Nick swim 1 Mirror 28 lb, Mirror 31 lb8oz and 2 lost/missed fish. Tony swim 3 Mirrors at 25lb8oz,27lb,27lb,27lb8oz,28lb8oz and a wildie at 8lb, 4 lost/missed fish. Steve swim 5 Mirrors at 27lb,29lb and 32lb8oz Wildies at 8lb and a lake record wildie of 12lb. 3 lost/missed fish Pics will be on the website soon Quote
carpquarry Posted May 19, 2010 Author Report Posted May 19, 2010 A few pics from a recent trip by Tony,Steve & Nick to Carpquarry Just love that wildie Quote
carpquarry Posted May 24, 2010 Author Report Posted May 24, 2010 Catch report 15thMay-21st May 2010 This week we only had two guys fishing Gary and Sean from London, Again it wasnt the easiest weeks fishing but saying that the guys caught fish from the smallest 25lb8oz to early 30s,again none of the larger carp over 35lb were caught they seem to be more interested in eating the millions of tadpoles that are present at the moment.Well done to Gary and Sean who both had fish over 30lb and I hope you had a good 50th Gary and we look forward to seeing you again at Carpquarry. All fish and lost fish was on there own bait T1 boilies and all runs came from the far side. Quote
carpquarry Posted May 25, 2010 Author Report Posted May 25, 2010 This week we have Ivans Group of 4 doing a short week,What a start for them 3 hours fishing, 3 fish landed from 25lb8oz to 37lb7oz, 2 new PBs and a couple lost, the fish have the munchies they could be on for a great week at this rate. Quote
carpquarry Posted May 27, 2010 Author Report Posted May 27, 2010 Lets hope they can keep it up 7 fish in the first 24hours smallest 24lb110z Quote
ivanp Posted May 29, 2010 Report Posted May 29, 2010 Hi Gordon, Full catch report (and photos) to follow for the website, but in summary.... 19 runs and 10 carp on the bank from the four of us in 78 hours. 7 mid-high 20s, one low 30, one at 37.7 and the biggest to Rob at 40.13. Stunning lake, fantastic carp and an all-round brilliant experience. Thanks again and see you soon...........Ivan Quote
carpquarry Posted May 30, 2010 Author Report Posted May 30, 2010 We had Ivan,Rob,Simon & John from Surrey and Kent for a short mid week break and what a time they had 78 hours fishing, 3 new PBs, 19 takes and 10 fish landed all the runs came on our squid, scopex and red robin boilies capped with a piece of plastic corn except Simons which was on Solar club mix and all on a small bed of Carpquarry pellet.Detail of the fish and times are - Swim 1 - Ivan Swim 2 - John Swim 4 - Simon Swim 5 - Rob Tuesday 25th Ivan 13:20 28lb 4oz Ivan 18:35 37lb 7oz New PB John 18:40 25lb 2oz Ivan 21:00 24lb 12oz Wednesday 26th Ivan 04:00 27lb 8oz John 06:15 24lb 11oz John 11:40 28lb 12oz New PB Thursday 27th No fish landed Friday 28th Rob 06:30 31lb 9oz Rob 06:45 40lb 13oz New PB Simon 11:00 26lb Well done guys thats a good 78 hours fishing and who know when you return you might land that monster of the deep Rob that tried to pull you in and straightened your size 4 hook. Quote
carpquarry Posted June 2, 2010 Author Report Posted June 2, 2010 Top pic the brace Ivan 37lb7oz and John 25lb2oz Mid pic Ivan 28lb4oz Bottom pic Rob 40lb13oz Quote
carpquarry Posted June 16, 2010 Author Report Posted June 16, 2010 Just thought I would pop down to the lake for a quick session as no one have taken me up on my offer for exclusive use for a week for upto 4 anglers for only £600 in June or July 2010. Anyway what a session 3 hours fishing 2 fish lost 2x 30lb plus and a 40lb plus all the fish were in swim 1, 3ft from the rod tip on our squid scopex and red robin boilies with a handful of Carpquarry pellet. 1 x 31lb 1 x 34lb 1 x 41lb Have done a bit of a video but like a true professional batteries run out so hope we have got a bit of all the fish, the video will be on the website later today.. Quote
carpquarry Posted July 12, 2010 Author Report Posted July 12, 2010 Popped down the lake yesterday for one of my quick 3 hour sessions and had 3 fish 28lb, 32lb and a PB of 45lb have put the lin on here so you can have a look at the video on the news page of website. Quote
carpquarry Posted August 10, 2010 Author Report Posted August 10, 2010 Rob and Jacqui from South London came to stay with us at Carpquarry only Rob was fishing I think he had a bit of a frustrating week with losing 6 fish but he still managed to land 4 fish 25lb, 26lb8oz, 29lb and a new PB at 31lb4oz most of the action was close in in swims 1 and 6 and all the takes were on our Peach and blackpepper and Squid scopex and robin red boilies on a bed of Carpquarry pellet. Should have some new pics on the website soon Quote
carpquarry Posted August 13, 2010 Author Report Posted August 13, 2010 Catch report 9th Aug - 13th Aug 2010 We had guests Andy and his son Rory over from Hampshire for a short midweek session They managed to get 9 fish on the bank and lost 5 which was pretty good considering they only fished for a little more than 3 days the fish landed were Mirrors of 21 lb, 22.8 lb, 24 lb, 26 lb, 26.8 lb, 30 lb, 30 lb, 34 lb and a wildie of 8 lb. Well done guys. Quote
carpquarry Posted September 1, 2010 Author Report Posted September 1, 2010 Week starting 14th Aug 2010 We had James and girlfriend Kayliegh and James 2 for the week just the guys were fishing they had a hard week and only managed to land 2 fish in the upper 20s but lost/missed a staggering dozen fish. I am sure next time you will be sitting by your rods Quote
carpquarry Posted September 1, 2010 Author Report Posted September 1, 2010 This week starting 21st Aug 2010 we had Chris and his wife and grandson Kieran and his girlfriend Megan from Lincolnshire, It was only the two guys fishing what a week they had, it did not stop raining until the day they left which was a shame for the girls but I think they loved it sitting in a warm house watching many episodes of Gavin and Stacey,As for the guys they were soaked all week so it didnt make alot of difference to Chris when he fell in trying to get the baitboat out. As regards the fishing they had 8 fish from mid 20s to just over 30lb once again the bigger fish have kept a low profile someone very soon will have a few big hits Quote
carpquarry Posted September 21, 2010 Author Report Posted September 21, 2010 4/9/10 - 10/9/10 This week we had the crew from Southern Inflatables Adrian, Phill, Luke and Emma.It was a testing week with some doing better than others. All in all they managed to land 10 fish from mid 20s to early 30s with quite a few that got away which is the norm with the sharp rocks. Well done to Emma with a new PB Mirror of 26lb8oz and top rod Luke with a new PB mirror of 32lb4oz and PB common of 24lb4oz. Quote
carpquarry Posted September 25, 2010 Author Report Posted September 25, 2010 11/9/10-14/9/10 We had Peter Fagan and his work mate Jeff with us for a short 3 day weekender. Both the guys landed new PBs pete at 31lb8oz and Jeff at 32lb8oz they also had a few more in the high 20s and quite a few that got away.It will be great to see you guys again when you return to land the big ones that got away this time Quote
carpquarry Posted October 5, 2010 Author Report Posted October 5, 2010 18/9/10-24/9/10 We had with us this week friends Alan & Lesley who came over doing a spot of fishing and a bit of diving clearing out some snags. Thank you for all the work you done in clearing out underwater branches. As regards the fishing no nights were done mainly just late mornings to evening. Well done to Lesley with a new PB of 27lb8oz and to Alan with a new PB of 31lb8oz they also had another 30 and a late 20. But dont worry Alan I will not tell anyone about the other 19 yes 19 runs that you missed/lost your secret is safe with me Quote
carpquarry Posted October 12, 2010 Author Report Posted October 12, 2010 3/10/10-5/10/10 Paul and his mate Craig came for a short 48 hour session while they were over in France renovating Pauls holiday home. What a session they had 5 fish 30lb plus and also lost a couple, but you know Paul you are not ment to slip fall flat on your back in the rain and hit into the fish and try and play it as you are laying on your back in a puddle LOL. Paul had a 30lb and missed one. Craig had 30lb, 30lb, 33lb and 34lb PB and missed a couple. Thats a good result for just 48 hours fishing. 25/9/10-1/10/10 This week we had Alan and his wife from Dartford in Kent, The weather was all over the place started of hot then the rain came but this didnt stop Alan getting a new PB at 32lb8oz, Well done Quote
carpquarry Posted November 6, 2010 Author Report Posted November 6, 2010 11/10/10 - 16/10/10 Nigel,Graham & Kevin We had Nigel,Graham and Kevin from the south east on a 5 day trip. First blood went to Graham with a original common of 17lb8oz for this Graham won a bottle of wine for catching the smallest king carp ever caught from the lake not that I was taking the mick !!! Nigel was then in again with another small original mirror at 20lb after that the fish got abit bigger with a mirror at 26lb8oz and then with a 30lb4oz. Kevin was not going to be out done by landing another mirror at 26lb8oz and then a mirror at 32lb8oz, Nigel replied with a 32lb8oz mirror and then Kevin with a 30lb mirror. Graham was enoying himself in swim 6 with plenty of runs but not being able to land them as they were taking him straight into snags. All in all the lads had a great time and enoyed themselfs catching some big fish and all loosing a few. We look forward to seeing you all again Quote
carpquarry Posted November 8, 2010 Author Report Posted November 8, 2010 Actor Lee Oakes night sessions We had actor Lee Oakes at Carpquarry doing a couple of night only sessions Nov 2010 and what a result he had. Lee managed to put 6 fish on the bank with the smallest at 28lb up to 35lb with 4 of the fish being over 30lb. Well done Lee you are the first person who has managed to land all there runs. Lee was fishing swim 1 using carpquarry pellet and boilies. Quote
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