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Depth of silt at Leighton pools

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Hi all.


I may be fishing at Leighton pools sometime this year and i have been told its mainly a very silty pool.


I wondered if someone could tell me or give me an idea to the average depth of the silt (as it may be a one off trip and don't want to waste the trip messing about with set-ups that don't work).


(would it swallow a lead about a foot, or more, or just a few inches???)



Jack :)

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never fished this venue BUT I fish a silty estate lake and there are few tricks to negate the silt and present the bait on the top of it and not buried in it. Note that some fish prefer the silt and positively hunt it out in less silty waters though. remember silt often contains bloodworm - find them and you generally find a hotspot.

1) use light leads and feather the bait down when you cast.

2) use pop ups or balanced baits

3) use solid pva bags which lower the tackle onto the lake bed as they dissolve.

4) use achod rig - there are plenty of threads on the website about these rigs.

5) try and find some gravel areas (most silty waters will have them) as these are generally silt free as the fish have disturbed the silt.

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Thanks Mate :)


Ive been thinking about my end set-up for a while, including the chod as mentioned. I want to get my setup as close to perfect as possible and then just alter "length" as needed.


I have a few set-ups ive been working on (the one will work like an underwater parachute on the hooklink hopefully) that i will use. (in conjunction with sensor brown mainline to the hooklink and no leader and either fox cortex or a fluro hooklink) but thats why i need to know the depth of the silt. I dont want to leave it till the last second and have to mess about on the bank, im thinking its going to be one cast a day unless i catch in between and cant take any chances with my presentation, (unless what i have been told about the fish being very shy/timid has been exagerated greatly) thankfully, PVA foam is easy to get free from my 6th form :lol::lol::lol:


Hopeing to up my Pb if i catch

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I wouldn't worry too much about the depth of silt. The problem is more the type of silt. Most of the lake is covered with the bad stuff, everytime you retrieve a hookbait it stinks.


Add to that the amount of debris on the bottom, snags & lots of weed, any fish caught is a result :wink:

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