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Todber un hooking mat size


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We fished Todber Big Hayes last year, and will be fishing it again this year.


Top Tips.


The Fish do follow the wind, buy a bag of their own Red Factor bollies which they do in barrels and 12 mm, because they feed them on them.

Tip your baits with a bit of fake corn, always work well.


Take some other baits maggots, sweetcorn etc.


Take some toilet roll as sometimes the loo runs out if it is busy.


Get some extra long bivvi peg as the ground can be a little soft,and when the wind blows it blows (lake a bit open) one advantage is you can drive round most of the lake.


Have a look at there website and give them a ring to find out what is happening nearer the time, they are very informative.


There tackle shop is superb if you forget anything.


One last thing is the size of your mat is fine.


If you want more gen them PM me..

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Cant add much to what Nash-G has to say other then DONT wack loads of bait out! Turns the whole lake off very quickly. Use Pva Bags and even single baits fished over a light bed of hemp.


Also had a few fish from there using Meateor Boilies.


When you thinking of going down there? I'm hoping to get down there end of the month for a 48hr session.


Oh and make sure you set you bivvy up strong, the wind tends to blow rather hard across Big Hayes.

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