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I know The Broome Angling Society has been mentioned before by other members. I currently spend a lot of time fishing at Frosby Pits, I knew that there were other pools in the area, but only noticed the big shiny gates opposite last weekend!


Anyway I've emailed off and have got the application form and had a read through the lovely set of rules, but before I fill out the membership form I was looking for some advice from any other possible members.


I know that a lot of fish were lost throughout the summer, does anyone know if it's been re-stocked or at least have a rough idea of how many carp are in the Jurrassic and whether it's a hard fish or not (obviously I'm used to a hard fish at the Pits!)


Also it would be nice if I was able to have a walk round, it appears to be like Fort Knox, does anyone know how I'd be able to gain access to the site for a wander round?



Many thanks in advance! :D




1. You wont be able to walk round cos its private land and only members are allowed. You wouldnt want any Tom, Dick and Harry walking round your place unannounced would you?

2. Yes it did lose a hell of a lot of fish a few summers ago and as far as i know, we think that there is just an handful of carp remaining. These are mostly around the high single or low double figure mark but there was a reported 26lb'er caught a few weeks ago.

3. The only stockings that have taken place so i was told was fish being moved from another one of the lakes on the complex that have grown to big for the poor matchmen to handle. Once again if this stocking is true, they will only be high single to low doubles and they wont be many of them.

4. The place is weedy as heck. In fact this needs addressing by the committee cos its chocking the life out of the water but will they do anything?.... Of course not, its a matchman orientated club which hate carp anglers. Thats why we have so many stupid rules in place.


Heres the full list of club rules for you to look over.....




Jurassic is a long - ish but very narrow lake (you wont need to cast any further than 30 yards), snaggy, feature packed, shallow along one side and like i said very weedy.


(Taken from the car park end)




You can only bivvy up along one side of the lake which holds 8 swims because of the lack of space on the opposite bank. This is a good thing though cos that means you are casting into the deep channel which runs the entire length of the lake on the opposite bank near to overhanging trees and reed lined margins.


Hope that helps.


Thanks for the reply Tony, sounds like there's a lot for me to consider! Not sure I'd like to be looked down upon from other match anglers.


It does look like a really nice place, but if it's not maintained and is as weedy as you say it is, it could be more hassle than it's worth!


I wasn't suggesting that I'd turn up unannounced for a walk round, and no I wouldn't appreciate people walking round my place, however, I'm sure that no one would take out a membership without seeing the water first.


I read the rules before I sent off for the application, and although they sound a little, shall I say, harsh - they seem fair, considering it's a 'match anglers' water.


I'll wait and see if I ever get a reply back about visiting before I make a decision, as I'm literally only 5-10 minutes away. As much as I enjoy fishing The Pits, I'm getting fed up of using Eye Kettleby as a 'confidence boost'.


A new water to explore is always fun and a great challenge, and although I'm not lazy, honest, I prefer not to travel miles and miles, although, travelling further is probably going to find me a 'better' water.


Thanks again for you response, and who knows I might see you there one day!




Dont forget, Jurassic isnt the only water which contains carp that Broome AS own or rent :wink:


Meadow Lane in Syston is a fantastic place with some cracking fish in there. Thing is from March to November its one rod only. Of course boilies, pellets, artificials and nuts are not allowed :roll::roll::roll::roll::wink:


At Frolesworth they have 2 lakes. Manor farm is around 5 acres but contains only a handful of fish, about 17 i was told. And at Hill Farm which is just over the next field and no more than an half an acre, they have a very small runs water with fish to low doubles.


Once again the same bait bans apply :twisted:


good advice from tony i used to fish there myself and caught some really nice fish but i saw for myself when the fish went belly up, hand full left at most of which are very small not worth joining for jurrasic at all syson meadow lane only worth fishing in my view thata why im no longer a member!! how u getting on accross the road had a wander round there myself last winter nice place may even join there one day i know a lad who fishes there and had carp to 24lb not easy tho i here do to light stocks


Not doing too well to be honest, not caught in the past 6 sessions, granted only day sessions. I'm on my way out now, hopefully I'll have some better look today!


I've been told that there's about 150 carp on the water. But after having a walk round on monday I discoved 6 fish heads off the beaten track, so someones catching well and eating them.. :evil::evil:


Got my eye on a few other locations in the area from Syston through to Melton, so hopefully I'll find somewhere suitable.



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