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Sky Lake - France


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Hi not sure if the 5kg bait rule is serious you will have to contact them.

i have not been before so i am in the same boat as you, i have tried to find info out on the lake but there is not much on it.

all i do know is that Korda team have been there a few time's and if you get the free video from a tackle shop there is some clips on there.

if you cantact Ali Hamidi or Tim at Sky Lakes they will help.

i will keep searching and let you know.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys,

I'm also of to fish sky lake, but am going before you both on the 12 April and if you like I will post any questions you want answered when I get back about lake tactics etc. A couple of things I've found out so far are, All pegs but one you can get sticks into the ground (not a pod fan), you get an hour when you get there to have a look at the lake before you draw for pegs. Bait buckets will be supplied for your particles etc, guest chairs are supplied, unhooking mats (all inc) are supplied, they have English sockets for charging phones etc. As with you both I'm not to pleased about the 5kg rule I think its a bit of a money maker, but it does say on your confirmation that anything over you will have to leave in your car. There are only eight going on my trip so hopefully it will not be to pressured.


I will post a reply when I get back and answer any of your questions. Hope this helps you both as I know from trawling through the interweb highway, information is scarce..........


Tight lines, Steve..

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Hi both have you seen thinking Tackle episode 4 on sky sports yet as danny Fairbrass and the Korda team are on Sky Lake. i spoke to Ali he said the fish are all beautiful and in pristine condition. have you also seen the Sky lakes web site from 05/06


tight lines



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  • 1 month later...

just found this forum


sorry this will be late for the peeps as they will now be at Sky


i am off on an all inc on saturday :)


been before a in 2002 caught blind eye at a lowly (compared to now) 39lb she is over 54lb now!!!!! a torpedo shaped mirror at 29lb (now over 39lb) and a 26lb


looking to catch Mr T :)


cant wait, i will pick up some kg-1 but will be taking the icelandic red with me, the previous owners used to feed this in the lake so i reckon they will liven up to it again, lol, will post results :)


anyone had any luck this year there???

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im off to sky in june, bit apprehensive as my years been a bit slow so far and i aint really up for chuckin all that money down the bog. when people are talking about the catches there, are you catching smaller fish just not mentioning it or is it genuinly a few fish coming out?


anyone been this year so far?

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hello there

just got back today wish i could have stayed longer


took a few days to get my head around the place since last time




it is about 12/14ft deep and YOU CAN SEE THEW BOTTOM you can see the tall weed beds, the thick weed beds THE GRAVEL PATCHES and BRIGHT SAND PATCHES!!!!!!


i watched BIG carp feed and a big cat Fish, nearly had it too!!


i had 3 fish to 32lb,lost 5 :( a 50 came out and two guys Scott and Phil absolute NAILED the place with 2 40's EACH and a few upper 30's


these fish are the cleverest ever, i swear, i was using a hair rig with a ring and band, and a blow back rig, if you have so much as a knats breath gap between the fake corn and the hook bend it will pick up the bait and spit it out without hooking, Dean and i tried a small ring direct on the hook with a band going through the corn, fake maggot as a hair stop,and a rubber stopper on the bend, this will balance it and the carp HAD to pick up the hook, i tried this on the last night sadly but got 2 SCREEMERS on last knockings, a 32 and a lost fish (felt bigger)





DON'T bother with bolies, these fish are currently caught with plastic fake corn and moggot combi over a big bed of SKY partiblend, you cannot bring your own they sort it and deliver it


all you need to do is go out in the row boat and look for feature and mark them, and feed them, i was watching HUGE carp as if it was my local lake




Andy(owner), Bernie(wife) and Dean (head Baliff) as all great,


Tim and Ali for whatever reason, unbeknown to me have sold off their share, but it is in VERY good hands, the website WILL be updated soome with catch reports etc




i (and Scott and Phil) are looking to go back, and next year too


IF you are going in JUNE i envy you


i was fishing peg 12 (corner swim) and the fish were everywhere, the biggest prob for me was the safety rigs used, look up Rig Morale clips rigs (safer that korda and nash etc, they are mteal and are clamped in place over a size 9 swivel as per normal, but they have a slit in the top so the lead is completely ejected when it encounters weed, and the fish surfaces


hope this helps, please feel free to ask more questions before you go




don't be apprehensive the party blend is about £2 a kilo i was using about 10/15 kilo a day, roweing out and feeding regular, takes early evening and in hours of darkness and very eaerly morning before breakfast :)

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nice one mate. i put an order in for 5k of partibelnd and 5k of maize, my plan was to fish fairly small baits over the top of beds of bait. its sounding better each time i hear about it to be honest. hopefully june this year wont be like last lol.

the week im on is fully booked so i dont know how crowded it gets.

what do u reckon i should take for my 5kg limit? i was gonna take about 2kg of scopex squid and then a few 500g bags of various ones just to much about with.

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tbh i took 3 kg of icelandic red and brought most back


Andy the baliff will go over baits etc, i preordered 5kg of KG1 but swapped it for particle, you will get through ALOT of particle jsut make sure you bring plenty of English money to cover the bill at the end of the stay, easier for them to bank it etc you can buy the rig morale lead clips and leads and if you don't have the Frank

Warrick fake corn maggot/grubs etc they have them,


only downside is you will get through alot of leads and clips, but fish safety is paramount there (and quite strict) but then it is better to lands these monsters and lose a few quids worth of bomb and clip :)

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yeh i dont mind losing a few leads and that ill just have to take alot lol.what do you reckon for hooks,hooklenghts ect.?

whats the food like?

what are the margins like? i wouldnt mind trying to stalk a few fish.

ill prob take a few kgs of special g to mix with the partiblend,what do you reckon?

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i took icelandic red groundbait, fantastic as it is, in the UK it hindered me here, i was using size 6 continentail hooks smaller are too light to keep the plastics balanced, i was using mantis hooklinks, the light green with the end removed to make it supple, these fish are tough cookies, i would never believe it un til i experienced it here


my best advise is to listen to Andy, too many people ge there and won't be told how to fish as it were


Andy lives there catches loads, he sells bombs too, camo bombs, he sells tail rubbers too for the clips, put a fresh one on regular as they do lose their grip, i was losing far too many bombs positioning baits ( either that or bad casting :))


The margins are awesome, but best to bait up just below the drop off to avoid the pain in the ass family of swans there,


the most amazing thing is, if you pick peg 12, corner swim, the fish are EVERYWHERE just in front, you will row over them you can see thewm at all depths


if you dont have polaroid glasses, GET A PAIR, you will not believe what you will see!!!

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the foods nice too


fry up every morning a a meal every night


you have to buy lunch if you want it, a roll chips crips and a can :)


just take plenty of cash with you best to take english, as i said it is easy for them to bank it etc without exchange rates and all.


you will prob use,5/10kg of particle a day, you shouold anyway, keep feeding your hot spots with a few handfuls so they keep coming back


i got my hooklinks just right on the last night :( got 2 belters, just wish i had more time to take advantage :(


i will def be looking to grab another chance this year

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sounds good, im looking forward to it. as long as i dont blank lol.

now ive gotta try and get all the gear together. can you use bank sticks? im not a big fan of pods and i dont really want to shell out for one.

im really hoping me and my mate can get a double swim coz the plan was to share a bivvy, dont really wanna get (I know this naughty word is banned but I decided to use it any way because I can't control myself)ed over.

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you can use banksticks the grounds is good for them, the two guys we met Scott and Phil were in the point double swim, the other, the woods is also a good double, it will come down to how reasonable the peeps are on the day


we got there late due to a transport porb and one double swim was already taken, sadly if the drive and survive lot get there early they get to pick, or draw swim early but if oyu want to fish together, as i say peeps hppefully will accommodate that

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bazzajar - the nearest big town is a place called Meaux but the lake is to the North East of a little village called Armentieres-en-brie (look in Mulitmap and you can see a group of lakes out to the side of the town - Sky is the square one with a bump on the left side)

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  • 2 weeks later...

just got back from sky yesterday, all in all a good trip, unfortunately only landed 1 fish, a 33lb 10oz mirror.lost more in the weed.one of which felt alot bigger.

a few 40's came out biggest being 48 i think, backed up by a fair number of 30s and a few 45+ grassies which andy said hadnt come out in years.

the guy on the point nailed it. and has the whole place to himself this week.

i was in the woods which apparently is normaly a good producer but i was obviously doing something wrong.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Just got back from there and have booked again for next summer. Drive and Survive is about 275 quid and fully inc 450 ish.


Fanatastic place but a bit weedy although its easy to find spots to fish to. Just ask Andy when you get there and he will show / tell you where they are. Some proper lumps in there. I had 4 fish to 39, lost 4. Young lad had a 52 while i was there and won a free holiday.


Use their particle, its the rules.

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