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Just got some new reels and not sure what line to get, I've been using the technium black for a few years and it's super strong, I'm going to be fishing some clearer waters and will be using naked chods and helicopter on the line rigs quite often. Has anyone used either of these, or both of them? Thanks in advance


Welcome to the forum Aidan.

I'd stick to the same line - a new water will bring with it so many unknowns I wouldn't want to be second guessing something I already know. If I thought it was having an effect after a while, then I would consider changing.


I fish naked chods a lot and this year im using nash dcam sinks well and not had any issues so far and last year i used wychwood dpf purple line and that sunk well too but started twisting up towards end of season and both are near invisible on the bottom, I think any line that sinks well will do the job but you want the confidence that your line cant be seen. Personally i wouldnt buy flourocarbon because of the price but if thats not an issue for you id go with that.


Also i cant recommend the avid chod beads enough for naked chods, they hold on the line well and im certain you get better bite indication because the beads are tight on the line and when the fish gets hooked the line moves first before the lead. Iv noticed when you get a run the bobbin will move up slightly almost like a bream bite and then will rip off because the carp doesn't know how to deal with it. I use as lighter a lead as i can get away with usually a 1oz and make sure the line is fished as slack as i can get it, im convinced the weight of the line sunk is plenty of weight enough to hook the carp. And having a heavy lead bouncing around near the carps mouth i dont want it using the weight of the lead to eject the hook.

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