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leamington lake


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anybody done a week on the bishop which can be hired for 6 anglers.no price on website but sounds ok. how much would you pay for a uk lake with 30s in it.
Hello mate there's a reason why the price is not on the website because if they did know would phone up about it.... when I asked about it I'm sure she said £ 3000.00 week between 6 is far to much for that little lake :roll:
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If £3000 is the going rate, that's an exorbitant sum of money, even when compared with some of the prices currently being charged at some fisheries. (I'm assuming that this is Bishop's Lake on the LEMINGTON lakes complex?)


I'll stress that whilst I have never fished the lake in question, I have fished a number of other lakes on the complex (mainly Westminster). The fishery is set in magnificent countryside and has some great facilities, including showers, a cafe and a shop.


Undoubtedly the owners have gone to great lengths to create the complex, they care very deeply about their fish stocks and also the general state of the fishery. My brother and I call it the Stepford fishery, such is the uniformity that exists and I know that a number of magazines have published very positive reviews relating to the venue.


Without wishing to write what might appear to be an imbalanced condemnation of the venue, I have endured a number of interactions with one half of the couple that own the fishery and at times found them to be somewhat overbearing; I appreciate that it is their prerogative to manage the complex and deal with visiting anglers as they see fit, but the basic premise of this individual appears to be to deeply mistrust the vast majority of visiting anglers and almost treat them with contempt. I have also spoken to other anglers who tell me that they have experienced similar events.


As an example, one early Saturday evening I was approached by one of the owners whilst sitting in front of my shelter having a cup of tea. I was doing the night and had reeled both rods in to rest the swim - both rigs were in the butt rings, with the rods on the rests. After engaging me in conversation, the owner noticed my kettle which was on the grass next to my chair and then asked "Did you put that kettle on the grass while it was hot?" I replied that I hadn't and enquired why the question had been asked. I was advised that there were marks on the grass close to the kettle, that had obviously been scorched by something hot. The marks were not recent and had, I think, been caused by a previous occupant of the swim who had probably poured hot fat or the like on the grass.


After explaining this, the person moved to my rods and ran her thumbs over both of my hooks, presumably to check that they were barbless. No explanation was offered and like I say it is their prerogative, but I would have welcomed the question "Can I check your rigs?". After satisfying themselves that I wasn't flouting any rules, without a bye or leave you, they then proceeded to the next swim.


I guess I've gone round the houses a little bit here (well a lot really)! Significant investment has obviously taken place by the owners and whilst this is pure speculation, I might deduce that charging £3000 to hire a comparatively small pool for a week is, in some way, an attempt to recoup some of that investment.

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I have been subject to similar action whilst visiting the fishery. I was a bit gobsmacked to be honest and fortunately I had'nt even started fishing so I asked for my day ticket money back and left. I hadnt even got 10 minutes up the road when a friend rang me and asked what happened. It seems they had clocked my polo shirt fishing website embroidery and upon checking the diary realised that a dozen of us were due to fish it the next weekend for a social and had rang the organiser because they feared we would cancel the booking. I never returned but they were nice as pie to the rest of the forum apparently.

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