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Small veues near Norwich, norfolk?

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Hi Everyone,


I have recently moved to Norwich, and would like to try some small venues.


I use a inline method feeder, and know that some places may not allow this technique. Ideally I would like to be able to use this as only just started to experiment with it.


Any ideas?





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Long time since I've fished in Norfolk being as I moved away 18years ago, but how about Shallowbrook, just in Costessey, on the funny bend from the Dereham Road.


Cranworth/Woodrising near Watton.


I think Cranworth will probably show up on here in past threads, and also there is this with a few places:



It may be since I wrote it that some numbers or details have changed, so if they have, I apologise, but if anyone has current info I'd be happy to change it :wink:

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