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  1. I think you misunderstood me, I'm all for banning people who are breaking the rules especially thiefs, what I do not understand is how you can ban law abiding anglers who follow all rules. And yes I'm not native English speaking person and yes I was kind of (once a month) regular at above fishery, I was turned back because my accent, I'm angler for past 20 years and live in this country for past 14 and this was first time I experienced such negative attitude towards me which kind of surprised me but I guess that's life. Please don't think I have something against you as i don't, I like constructive discussions no matter how different view the other party have.
  2. I'm not sure why you have such a point of view, we live in civilised country not some 3rd world one, to deal with crime is Police and other law enforcement agencies not general public. You cannot put everyone to the same basket just because their accent for example... I think you would be surprised how many EE anglers are around you that not causing any harm to anyone but opinion about them is spoiled by few.
  3. I simply described how Barston is dealing with problem, are my actions damaging or fishery employees who are imposing such measures? Discrimination is not an answer to anything this days I'm more than sure you agree with me. They should report any person caught breaking the rules especially if theft took place, as far as I can remember they let those Gypsies go few weeks ago... surely this was not best idea as they would simply go somewhere else or come back in few weeks.
  4. Please do not get me wrong I think Barston is great water and credit to Nigel for all hard work he put in to get this lakes to where they are now. Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
  5. I did not jump to incorrect conclusion, I know day fishing now require kind of membership (which is free) but most (not all) Eastern Europeans are turned back now by Barston employees saying that membership is full!! If this is not discrimination I'm not sure how you can call that? I know they need to protect their livelihood but they way how they done this is not right. How many thefts do you think (percentage wise) would go to Pro Shop to purchase ticket knowing they are to break the rules in a bit anyway? Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
  6. Are you for real? Responding with such discrimination is not an answer... This would only cause some problems for them sooner or later. Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
  7. After what's happened with those Romanians Barston kind of banned all "foreign otters" which are not known to fishery. Shame really as serious fishery dealing with problem in completly wrong way, looks like we are back in time to 60s...
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