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About winnywood

  • Birthday March 13

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  1. Excellent value £50 a yr for 2 rods. Carp upto 24lb 4 lakes to choose from. They recently stocked 6 carp over 20lb and were all microchiped see website for details. Turf pool is very popular and is a bit overfished I think. Calfheath is a mixed lake with carp and lots of bream. Not fished the other two. But if your looking for a water to call your local to go for the short spells or odd weekend then its a good buy. Oh and you need a key for turf and Kingswood £4 when you buy your ticket. if it aint broke.. take it apart... it soon will be!
  2. Did look at there website but they got more rules than I could shake a stick at. One being only fishing 7am - 7pm. Il only get to go from about 6 pm - about midnight. if it aint broke.. take it apart... it soon will be!
  3. No probs. Just think all them "narveners" am keeping quite, think they don't want me up there haulin all there carp. if it aint broke.. take it apart... it soon will be!
  4. Nobody from that neck of the woods here? if it aint broke.. take it apart... it soon will be!
  5. Going to work at Huddersfield uni for 3 months starting next week. Gonna be stopping there mon-fri so was gonna take my fishing tacke and get a few sessions in while im there. Looked on Google maps and can see theres plenty of waters and resovoirs about. Any one got any advice on where to fish. Gonna have about 4-5 hrs most nights free don't wanna spend all my time in pub every day so some good lakes that aren't to difficult would be good rivers and canals will do. if it aint broke.. take it apart... it soon will be!
  6. Just letting you guys know how I got on, on the loch. Spent about 5 hrs spinning drop shotting and float fishing with worms and caught absolutely naff all. Didn't even see a fish . Felt pretty microscopic with my 8 ft rod against a lake the size of that. But hey ho was worth a try. if it aint broke.. take it apart... it soon will be!
  7. Just missed out on a rod from eBay cane with reel and line and flys for a tenna. Didn't go for it cuz I read that the fly would be hard this time of year so I discounted it thinking drop shotting for perch might be more favourable.
  8. Guess I do a bit more research and maybe give the park owner a ring see if I can get some better info. There looks like therez plenty of rivers about and would love a go at fly fishing. Is it something I could master in a couple of hours?
  9. Just found this online https://youtu.be/65Lsd1JXQok Were stopping at inveruglas so looks pretty deep there.
  10. This is where im going dont really fancy going on a boat on my own especially as I don't have much experience on one. They do hire them row boats for £40 and power boats for £65. Would love to catch a trout so I could take it back and cook it in our log cabin.
  11. Sounds like hard work in a boat. Will only have the sat to go fishing so looking for easy setup with what I got. What bait will trout take on a float? Will def take spinning rod and some lures. There will prob be some local rivers aswell but not sure on seasons in scotland yet.
  12. How would be best to fish for perch? Ive checked a couple of websites and you can buy a day ticket for the loch for £5 to course fish or £15 for game. Rods wise ive got either 12ft carp rod, 11ft feeder rod, or a 8ft spin rod.
  13. Me and ar gurt have just booked a log cabin for may day bank hol (3days) on loch lomand. Gurty has agreed I can have the Saturday to go fishing. Now what kind of fishing should I do bearing in mind I have limited room for tackle. Should I just take some piking gear or go float fishing. I was thinking I like to try fly fishing but would have to buy rod and centre pin and learn how to do it first. What would you guys do? Or has anyone fished the loch and if so what did you do?
  14. Did you get any idea how much it costs to fish there?
  15. Just been doing some googleing and the pool is called walkmill lane clay pit and there is some info about it being a sssi site.
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