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boliecrazy69 last won the day on January 11 2016

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  1. Cheers mate. I am toying with the idea. I mightn't stick to tubing to be fair. Thanks mate
  2. Hello lads. So ive decided to change my set up and brought back avid 2tonne flurocarbon leader on 0.41mm I've tied it to my main line via a Albright knot. How long do you think I need to have the leader it's self? And do I need to stretch it out? Many thanks
  3. Anyone used one and what's there views Cheers
  4. Hi all, I'm currently on a winter ticket at st Georges syndicate in shepperton. I'm enjoying my time on it but it's a 50 member syndicate and heard in the summer it can be rammed,and that is not what I'm looking for. So I'm debating wether to do the full season come April or look elsewhere I'm looking for syndicates around the surrounding area. Chertsy way/shepperton way and don't mind a small drive. Any names will be great and I will do my research Thanks in advance
  5. Has anyone brought the fox spomb? And what's your first views on it? Texture,well made?
  6. Dream lakes lake 4 or 5 get my vote or lake 2 for a big lake
  7. Depends what your after, I fished it loads when i first started (daughters lake and snipe lake) and liked it. Snipe gets really busy but has some lovely Carp and is the specimen lake,only small but has a nice centre island and big fish. Daughters is nice close in fishing, still can catch a nice sized Carp and has many species. Had some nice sturgeon and barbel l out of there It's worth a go I am planning to go back soon I can't slate it tbh
  8. good waters mate,and a good head of big fish in both of them with loads of 20's. zigs work really well on both or small pop ups fish over hemp
  9. Either of the brasenose lakes at linear mate. Good head of thirties and a run water
  10. If you want a challenge I would fish manor farm at linear. Amazing lake with some absolute beauties. Not the easiest lake but one what has great rewards
  11. I'm of to dream lakes 29th may. Hoping it will be ok
  12. cm what size did you get them pp60's in mate? 15 or 20mm?
  13. I just dont like cell because of the amount its used on so many lakes and want something bit less common. The pyramid baits look good
  14. I just dont like cell because of the amount its used on so many lakes and want something bit less common. The pyramid baits look good
  15. Mate went to go ok that on Thursday, 35 acre lake no swims free,went for brasenoseone 2 32 acre lake no swims free then went oxlese no swims free. So busy on a Thursday it's crazy
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