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Scouse John

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Everything posted by Scouse John

  1. When I put mine onto spool I had it in the pan label side up with a 3oz pear lead to hold the spool underwater Then as I was putting it onto reel I held the line tight just under the first eye on bottom section of rod and held it tight with a towel so it was getting a bit of Stretch whilst it was going on reel. Had no probs with bird nests or it being wirey and got a good cast with it once it's broken in After a few casts and its winded back on reel it was quality I thought but that's just my opinion mate. Tight lines.
  2. I've used x-line before never had a problem with it. Soaked the spool of line for a good hour in pan of water and it went onto reel spool well. Sinks like a brick and you can't see it once under water. It's has good size diameters allowing you to fish 18lb Line but it's that thin you would think it was about 12lb. Good stuff. Never used tiger line so can't comment on that. Tight lines.
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