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About Mr-jermy

  • Birthday 03/11/1990

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  • Interests
    Fishing, computers, motorbikes :)

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  1. Another vote from me for the hurricane 2 man I've got one and can fit in everything that I need plus more and they are reallygood at keeping the heat in which is handy on a cold night
  2. for pva i use pva products, especially around bank hols as they normally do 100m for £25 with free delivery, and do better deals on black friday, hope this helps
  3. just a few years? haha yeah i know its roughly in that area going to have to pop up there and have a look there is a facebook page for it with some nice looking carp and tench on however the admin seems to be slow at adding people to the group so cant ask about on there, ok will pop in there need to pick up some more pellets etc anyway so will have a word then, thanks
  4. Hi guys, ive just found out about slaters pit in lowestoft and just wondered if anyone has fished it and what its like, planning to pop down to have a look at it as soon as i find out exactly where it is. and if i am right i believe it is also free to fish there, any info would be great, thanks, Taddy,
  5. Mr-jermy


    Yeah I know haha its her fault because she swerved into my lane without looking and the police is looking to charge her with driving without due care and attention which is a plus
  6. Mr-jermy


    and she was doing 40-50 mph
  7. Mr-jermy


    was driving down the a47 in the right hand lane doing 70mph and some idiotic woman decided to swerve into my lane so i ended up in the back of her
  8. Mr-jermy

    car damage

  9. Mr-jermy

    ins quote

  10. Your net is a fox one old man not not sure on the make of mine though though just a generic one
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