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About RobMarsh

  • Birthday 02/11/1971

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  • Interests
    spending money on fishing items that i dont need,
    trawling on ebay for fishing stuff i dont need
    air guns,
    spending money on gun bits i dont need as well lol,
    thankfully ebay cant list firearms other wise, you guessed it lol
    and a 4 year vaper
    usual nickname is nappie or the fat blanker

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  1. RobMarsh

    qm1 hooks

    looking at them now, seems potential for damage if its not gone through the lip or through and back into the fish i use em for method match for a bit of a change to carpin just small f1`s never had damage on fish tho for carpin i use raptor t6 an mugga`s
  2. RobMarsh


  3. testing http://s42.photobucket.com/user/nappie666/media/_DSC2298-2_zps4bb72c37.jpg.html?sort=3&o=7
  4. RobMarsh


    photos by me
  5. cool ty, will keep for further reference, me son is getting dropped of in wales as well now so now will be 3 of us and a wheelchair, in a clio and 2 dogs as well wont be much room for me gear
  6. think i will avoid it now ive read up on khv leave me gear at home oh well thx anyway
  7. hiya off to me old geezers he lives in brdgewater now. was gonna take me gear and was set on going to trinity waters as its about 5 mins away from him. till i found out its got khv, now im a bit worried about what to do, is it safe to fish there, or avoid it totaly and find another spot to fish. problem i have is i need to be as close to home as posible, so me other half can check up on me, and make sure im alright. and be close incase of anything happening. im schizoaffective and have trouble going out but once im set up and sorted i will be fine, but she wants me to be close just incase. ty rob
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