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JeremyCampbell last won the day on August 9 2014

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    Mn, USA
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  1. Il have to write the DNR office a letter to get a more detailed scoop about feeding. On another topic of the book ... Chapter 3 is about carp care/handling. After reading the whole chapter it seems I may have missed the mark a whole lot on this subject.Probley enough to get my rear end kicked by a carp angler or maybe a pillow thrown at me if I was fishing in the UK.lol. In all seriousness. I definitely need to get one of those mats you guys use to set the Carp on and over before spring starts. I have alot of changes to make after reading this book and reading some posts from this forum site these last handful of months. I'm still struggling with the idea of bringing antiseptic with me in case the carp should need a dab or two but slowly I think Il catch on, even if I do get dirty looks in some of these river locations I dwell around. LoL I'm half way in the book, Good book so far.
  2. This is what the regulation book says: "Littering of any materials, including parts of fish or other animals, and depositing rubbish, poisonous substances, or chemicals harmful to aquatic life into public waters, onto ice, or lake or stream shores is illegal. “Chumming” (depositing fish parts >>or other material <<into public waters to attract fish) is unlawful. Fish line and various packaging materials can be harmful to wildlife". I went to their office last summer and they showed me the section where it says "or other material" .So the answer to me was anything you throughout like you would when chumming is not allowed. Would like to stop back there and ask about other ways and if its legal or not. I hear it's best to get these kinds of things in writing in case I get checked on the bank somewhere
  3. Title of book: Discover Carp Fishing Bought this book recently on a Amaz..Figured since you all got me interested in European style carp fishing I'd take it another step and get this book. Great read so far.Its an easy to understand guide for Carping.Ive found some good information on the species also that I wasn't aware of before that helped me get a closer insight on carp behavior. Simon crow Rob Hughes are the authors of this book.I definitely recommend it .There is only one major set back with it .There's the No chumming regulation I have to abide by in my state of Minnesota ,which is fine.I may be allowed to use a bait feeder but I have to check with my fishing warden first.In the book it shows us the many European techniques, tackle options and a bit of an understanding where one can seek or scout for when your looking for that perfect place to set up . Alot of what I already practice works very well for me but I get bored easily and if I can change something and still catch carp , I will try it .Whatever I can find to make my outings a little more interesting than the last keeps me satisfied.
  4. JeremyCampbell


    A few dinks.
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