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    glyngriffiths reacted to glyngriffiths for a blog entry, safe zig   
    Good morning ive just been thinking on how to lose the lead on the fox zig float system so far ive thought of,
    tying the lead on to the boom with a weak line but to allow to cast tieing it on with pva tape or string just for added security on the cast.or does anyone know of an easyier way,obviously using fox zig float system.
    cheers glyn
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    glyngriffiths reacted to jofoley for a blog entry, Weekend at Home :(   
    First weekend at home for the past 5 weeks! I must say it will be wierd waking up in our own bed and not in the bivvy but needs must. The Garden needs much needed attention before the weather gets warmer and the urge to fish becomes stronger than ever!
    Ladywood next weekend for a 56 hours session! PB on its way hopefully
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    glyngriffiths reacted to jofoley for a blog entry, From: woman in carp fishing   
    Source: woman in carp fishing
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