Hi, I tend to use 22 mm pellets with size 6 or 8 hook as there are also some nice bream to be caught in the Lot. I have had bream to 8 / 9lb and keep catching once you have attracted a shoal. I am not a "serious" carp angler, tending only to fish a few hours a day at my house and hopefully you will catch the bigger carp using the large baits. There is a tackle shop on the road between Tonneins and Marmande (not sure whereabouts you will be on the Lot) that does sell fishmeal and I think I have also seen it in the supermarket, Le Clerc but must admit not entirely sure. Last time I bought "farce" basically sausage meat and mixed it in with pellets, sweetcorn, and halibut marine groundbait and that certainly got the carp feeding having lobbed it in the river the day before. I caught 8 carp, smallest about 8lb and the largest 26lb within a couple of hours and even had one on both rods at one stage and had to call the wife to help me out![/img]